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BIG STORY                                                              MARCH 11, 2022  |     The Indian Eye                     5

              Prime Minister Narendra Modi chairs a high-level meeting on the Ukraine issue,    An Indian student meets her relative on her arrival at Jai Prakash Narayan Airport after being
                            in New Delhi on Saturday. (ANI Photo)                     evacuated from war-torn Ukraine, in Patna on Saturday. (ANI Photo)

        our students.                     toilets to return to India. “It is an in-  dent Zelensky, around 16,000 foreign   holds an important relationship with
            The Ukraine crisis is having an   sult of the entire country,” remarked   fighters  are  expected  in  Ukraine,”   both the US and Russia.
        impact on India’s domestic policy   Gandhi on the media report. He had   the statement said.              Replying to a question on India’s
        too.                              earlier said that “evacuation is a duty   “ About 200 of mercenaries from   abstention from voting at interna-
            Prime Minister Narendra Modi   and not a favour”.               Croatia have already entered the   tional forums, the diplomat said, “I
        on Saturday came down heavily on      In a related development, West-  country through Poland and joined   think India has taken a stand which
        the Opposition for politicizing the   ern countries have increased dis-  uncontrollable nationalist units in   is consistent and in keeping with our
        Ukraine crisis, saying that “dynasts   patch of mercenaries to the combat   the South East of Ukraine,” it added.   national interests. Every country
        always look for opportunities to   zones in Ukraine, the Russian Em-  The statement accused the foreign   does so and so are we. We have an
        serve their self-interests”.      bassy has said.                   fighters of sabotage and raids on the   important relationship with Russia.
            “Blind opposition, continuous     It said the UK, Denmark, Lat-  Russian transport, trying to disrupt   We have a very important relation-
        opposition, acute frustration, and   via,  Poland  and  Croatia  “have  offi-  the evacuation of the wounded and   ship with the US.”
        negativity have become their political   cially allowed their citizens to partic-  the supply of ammunition.   He  emphasized  India’s  stand
        ideology,” PM Modi said in his sharp   ipate in hostilities on the territory of   This can create problems for   should not be judged only by its
        attack on the Opposition. PM Modi   Ukraine”. “The US launched a large-  India whose policy is already under   “wordings.”  “India  has  said  inter-
        while campaigning for the last phase   scale campaign to recruit private mil-  some criticism.        national law should be respected,
        of the Uttar Pradesh Assembly elec-  itary outfits such as Academi, Cubic   But former Indian ambassa-  the territorial integrity and sover-
        tions said that the Opposition parties   and DynCorp. The French Foreign   dor to Canada Vishnu Prakash has   eignty should be respected. The hu-
        look for political interests even when   Legiion also plans to send ethnic   said that India’s stand over the Rus-  man rights of the people of Ukraine
        the nation faces challenges, making   Ukrainians. A number of fighters are   sia-Ukraine conflict at international   should be respected. Violence, hos-
        the situation even more critical.  expected to come from Germany. In   forums is consistent with its national   tilities should be stopped and both
            His  statement  came  amidst  In-  total, according to Ukrainian Presi-  interests and added that New Delhi   sides should come back at the nego-
        dia stepping up the evacuation of the                                                                 tiating table. We have also said that
        stranded Indian nationals under ‘Op-                                                                  we are concerned about the develop-
        eration Ganga’.                                                                                       ments,” he stated.
            Addressing an election rally                                                                          “We also have Indian students,
        in his Parliamentary constituency                                                                     citizens whose security is vital. In-
        Varanasi, the Prime Minister said,                                                                    stead of criticizing Russia or con-
        “Whenever some challenges crop up                                                                     demning Russia, we would give our
        before the nation, these dynasts look                                                                 private counsel that we are giving.
        for their political interests. If India’s                                                             We have actually been walking the
        security forces and people deal with                                                                  talk. Other than diplomatic talks
        a crisis, the Opposition parties do ev-                                                               there is no alternative,” he added.
        erything to make the situation more                                                                       Praising the success of evacua-
        critical. We saw this during the pan-                                                                 tion of Indian citizens from Ukraine,
        demic and today during the Ukraine                                                                    the former diplomat said, “Shell-
        crisis.”                                                                                              ings and bombings are going on in
            The Opposition, mainly Con-                                                                       Ukraine and yet our embassies are
        gress, has been slamming the Centre                                                                   coordinating and we have gotten our
        over ‘Operation Ganga’, alleging late                                                                 citizens  out.  Humanitarian  aid  has
        reaction in the evacuation of Indians.                                                                also been provided by the govern-
            Earlier in the day, Congress                                                                      ment of India. The situation is being
        leader Rahul Gandhi slammed the      All India Anti-Imperialist Forum (AIAIF) supporters holding placards stage a protest march   monitored in real-time. We will be
        Centre, citing a media report claim-  against the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia, in Patna on Saturday. (ANI Photo)  able to evacuate each and every cit-
        ing that students were asked to clean                                                                 izen of our country out of Ukraine.”

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