Page 46 - The Indian EYE 022621
P. 46

ImmIGRATION                                                           February 26, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          46

                                         to amend, oR not to amend:

         that is the Question for visas not associated

                      With a labor condition application

        cora-ann pestaina            workers in these visa catego- in approved relationships,  terms and conditions of the  leave  for  personal  reasons,
                                     ries. This blog discusses best  additional qualifying orga- approved petition. Upon  such as to take care of a sick
               s the COVID-19        practices for employers con- nizations under a blanket  appeal, the employer suc- parent, and the employer
               pandemic  unfortu-    sidering remote work, fur- petition, change in capacity  cessfully argued that neither  may grant this leave as long
        Anately rages on, em-        loughs, reduction in hours  of employment (i.e. from  the statute, regulations, nor  as it is well documented in
        ployers nationwide continue   of work or salary reductions  a specialized knowledge  USCIS policy expressly re- the employee’s file, the peri-
        to seek ways to keep their   for employees in nonimmi- position to a managerial  quire an L- I employer to  od of absence is reasonable,
        businesses open and reduce   grant  visa  categories  with- position), or any informa- file  an  amended  petition  and the employer-employee
        costs while also protecting   out wage requirements. tion which would affect the  in every instance where a  relationship is maintained
        their nonimmigrant employ-                                 beneficiary’s  eligibility  un- beneficiary is transferred to  throughout the leave. But a
        ees. This blog has addressed,   Change in Work Location    der the Act. As long as the  a new worksite to perform  furlough is not a voluntary
        here, here and here, some of     One requirement com-      L-1 employee continues to  similar duties for the same  request for leave.
        the unique challenges facing  mon to all visa types is that   perform the duties of the  employer. The Administra-       Since there has been
        employers of H-1B and oth- USCIS  must  be  notified  if   approved L-1, a change in  tive Appeals Office (AAO)  no communication to the
        er nonimmigrant workers.  there is a material change       work location, especially if  agreed and held that the  contrary from USCIS, a fur-
        Employers have basically  in the terms of employment.      only temporary, should not  L-1 had been improperly  lough can only be interpret-
        come to accept the fact that  Over the past year, many     be  considered  sufficiently  revoked.  While  this  deci- ed in one way and that is to
        the H-1B worker is tethered  employers have had to close   material to require the filing  sion is excellent it is still  effectively place the nonim-
        to the LCA and there are  headquarters and imple-          of an amendment. Howev- only a non-precedent de- migrant worker employee
        several changes that could  ment remote work policies.     er, employers of nonimmi- cision and the AAO stated  out of status. An employer
        necessitate  the  filing  of  Because the E, L, O and      grant workers in L-1 status,  that such determinations  who wants to implement
        an amended petition. But  TN visas do not require an       and  especially  when the  must be made on a case-        furloughs but maintain the
        while it is generally under- LCA, they are not as loca-    change in work location will  by-case basis. Employers  ability of the E, L-1, O or
        stood that other work visas  tion  specific  as  the  H-1B   be long-term, should con- considering     permanently TN worker to return to
        such as the E-1, E-2, L-1, O  and they afford more flexi-  sider the fact that L-1s are   relocating their L-1 employ- work at the end of the fur-
        and TN visas afford greater  bility regarding a change in   subject to USCIS site visits.  ees may wish to engage in  lough period, could take
        flexibility  because  they  are  the nonimmigrant employ-  The employer should con- a  costs-benefits  analysis  to  advantage of the fact that
        not subject to the LCA, the  ee’s work location.           sider whether it makes more  determine whether it would  employees in these nonim-
        lack of specific governmen-      In the L-1 context,       sense to file the L-1 amend-  make more sense to simply  migrant statuses, under 8
        tal guidance means that em- 8 C.F.R. § 214.2(1)(7)(i)      ment in an effort to protect  file  the  amended  petition  CFR 214.1(l)(2) are allowed
        ployers are still unsure of  (C) states that an employ-    against the potential nega-  rather than risk a failed site  a grace period of 60 days
        what steps they can and can- er  should  file  an  amended   tive effect of a failed USCIS  visit and a possible revoca-  upon a cessation of their
        not take with regard to their  petition  to  reflect  changes   site visit to the initial L-1  tion which would likely have  employment.  Specifically,
                                                                   worksite.  This was  exactly  a negative impact on their  these nonimmigrant work-
                                                                   what happened in Matter  business and on the L-1 em- ers shall not be considered
                                                                   of W- Ltd., ID# 1735950  ployee who would not be  to have failed to maintain
                                                                   (AAO Nov. 20, 2018). This  able to continue to work and  nonimmigrant status solely
                                                                   non-precedent decision in- may even have to leave the  on the basis of a cessation of
                                                                   volved an employer who  US while the revocation is  the employment on which
                                                                   relocated the L-1 employee  under appeal. If the L-1 ob- their nonimmigrant classi-
                                                                   without  filing  an  amend- tained L-1 status based on  fication  was  based,  for  up
                                                                   ment. Upon discovering,  a blanket L-1 petition and  to 60 consecutive days. The
                                                                   after a site visit, that the L-1  will be relocated to an office  grace period could be short-
                                                                   was no longer employed  location already listed in the  ened if worker’s remaining
                                                                   at the original worksite,  approved blanket petition,  nonimmigrant status validi-
                                                                   USCIS issued a Notice of  then the L-1 amended peti-      ty period is less than 60 days.
                                                                   Intent  to  Revoke  (NOIR)  tion would not be required. In this case, the grace period
                                                                   the approved L-1 petition.       The E, O and TN visas  will end when the status ex-
                                                                   This was despite the fact  are not currently subject  pires. If the employee is re-
                                                                   that the officer was able to  to site visits. As long as the  hired, under the same work-
                                                                   speak to the L-1 employee’s  other terms and conditions  ing conditions described
                                                                   supervisor at the worksite,  of employment remain the  in  their  nonimmigrant  visa
                                                                   interview the L-1 employee  same, it is not likely that an  petition, before the end of
                                                                   over the phone and collect  employer would encounter  their grace period, then they
                      m of                                         additional information from  any issues in implementing  could go back to business
                                                                   the L-1 employee via email!  a switch to remote work.
                                                                                                                             as  usual.  A  nonimmigrant
           CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          The  employer responded               Furloughs           worker may only be grant-
                                                                                              to the NOIR explaining the     ed this grace period once
             relocation and that the L-1   A ‘furlough’ is a tempo-  during each authorized
                                                                   employee continued to per-   rary leave of absence from   validity period. According-
                                             employment duties, without
                                                    
             ­       form  in  the  same position.                  ly, an employer could only
              ‚                                                     However, the L-1 was still   pay. Employers continue   utilize this furlough strate-
                                                                   revoked. USCIS stated that   to consider furloughs as a   gy once during the employ-
                                                                   it was not evident that the   means to decrease spending   ee’s validity period without
                                                                                                as the pandemic continues.
                                                                   beneficiary  was  currently
                                                                                                                             jeopardizing the employ-
          2              6th Floor                                 employed in a manageri-      Generally,  a  nonimmigrant   ee’s nonimmigrant  status
                 al position pursuant to the   worker may request unpaid   and maintaining  the abili-

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