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IMMIGRATION                                                        FEBRUARY 25, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 42

                       Maintenance of H-1B/L-1

               Status after Travelling Back On

                                    Advance Parole:



        BY CYRUS D. MEHTA AND      maintaining H-1B or L sta-  adjustment   applications,    We address below a few  mediately.
        KAITLYN BOx*               tus can also apply for an   many applying for EAD      of the most frequent EAD/     With many U.S. con-
                                   employment authorization  and AP at the same time.     AP questions, interpreting  sulates still operating on a
             ince  H-1B  and  L  visa  document (EAD) and ad-  Despite serious processing   the guidance contained in  limited basis due to the pan-
             nonimmigrant status  vance parole (AP) while an  backlogs at USCIS as a re-  the Cronin Memo.           demic,  this  strategy  can  be
        Sallows for dual intent,  I-485 application is pending.  sult of the pandemic and its                        helpful for individuals  who
        the filing of an I-485 adjust-  When the EB-3 India  inability to approve  I-485     Q: If I travel on advance  have AP and wish to travel,
        ment of status application  Dates for Filing (DFF) ad-  applications even when the   parole, will it impact my H-1B  but still want to maintain H
        does  not  conflict  with  the  vanced rapidly in the Octo-  Final Action Dates (FAD)   status?              or L status.
        maintenance of  those non-  ber 2020 Visa Bulletin, thou-  became current in subse-  The    Cronin   Memo
        immigrant statuses. One  sands  of  individuals  filed  quent visa bulletins, many   states that: “an alien who   Q: Does this answer still
                                                                 applicants have now re-  was an H-1 or L-1 nonimmi-  apply if I have L-1 status?
                                                                  ceived their EAD/AP     grant, but who was paroled    Yes, the guidance pro-
                                                                  cards. Though a grant   pursuant  to  a  grant  of  ad-  vided in the Cronin Memo
                                                                  of EAD/AP provides      vance parole, may apply for  also applies to L-1 nonim-
                                                                  individuals  enhanced   an extension of H-1 or L-1  migrants.
                                                                  freedom to work and     status, if there is a valid and
                                                                  travel, it can also give   approved petition. If the   Q: Can I travel on ad-
                                                                  rise to many questions,   Service approves the alien’s  vance parole and be paroled
                                                                  particularly for individ-  application for an extension  back into the United States in
                                                                  uals who are maintain-  of nonimmigrant status, the  O-1 status?
                                                                  ing H or L status.      decision granting such an     No. The Cronin Memo
                                                                                          extension will have the ef-  applies only to those who
                                                                  helpful     guidance    fect of terminating the grant  were in H-1B and L-1 status
                                                                                          of parole and admitting the  prior to departing the US on
                                                                  on    these    issues   alien in the relevant nonim-  advance parolee.
                                                                  can be found in the     migrant classification.”      Q: Can my spouse travel
                                                                                             Although the Cronin
                                                                  so-called    “cronin    memo contemplates an in-   on an EAD and be paroled

                                                                  Memo”, a legacy Ins     dividual being paroled back  back into the United States in
                                                                                          into the United States to  H-4 status?
                                                                  Memo from Michael  apply for an H-1 or L-1 ex-        Although the Cronin
                                                                  d. cronin, dated May    tension, an individual who  Memo does not explicitly
                     m of                                                                 is  the  beneficiary  of  a  val-  speak to this issue, it can be
          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          25, 2000 that allows  id H-1 or L-1 petition and  argued that since the prin-
                                                                  those in  h-1B and      maintained that status prior  cipal spouse can maintain
                                                                                             to departure should imme-  H-1B status even though
             l-1 status to travel  diately be considered to be  admitted under advance pa-

                            under  aP  and  not   maintaining H or L status  role, the dependent spouse
                                                   
             ­                    after returning to the US on  can also be paroled into the
                                                                  lose  their  ability to  advance parole without the  United States in H-4 status.
              ‚                                              
                                                                  return and resume       need to reapply or apply for
                                                                                          an extension. Individuals in   Q: If my spouse works on
                                                                  working in  h-1B  or  this  situation  should  not  an EAD, or travels on AP, will
          2              6th Floor                                l-1 status.             need to obtain an EAD, and  it harm my own H-1B status?
                                        should be able to work im-  Continued at next page... >>

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