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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            FEBRUARY 25, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 23

          Record 315 Health Clinics established in

            India under leadership of Dr Raj Shah,

                     Rajat Gupta and Dr Raj Bhayani

        OUR BUREAU                                   venture, and serve the community, including free  pain and suffering all around, there are still indi-
                                                     Home Testing and health monitoring to detect  viduals and organizations that are selflessly help-
        New York, NY
                                                     early stages of critical illness and provide at a cost  ing people in need in whatever way they can.
               r. Raj Bhayani joined the Health Council  affordable fee for remote consultation with med-  During the COVID-19 pandemic, WHEELS
               of  the  WHEELS  Global  Foundation  in  ical specialists, providing a prescription for treat-  Global Foundation has been working with NGOs
        DApril 2021 and has been an active mem-      ment and required drugs that villagers can acquire  in the US and India to provide oxygen concen-
        ber of the fund-raising  committee  and Chair  of  at zero cost supplied by the Govt. The health mon-  trators and isolation rooms to underserved ar-
        Liaison Committee connecting with membership  itoring continues after treatments or surgical pro-  eas, including villages as well as Tier II and Tier
        of  the  several  Indian  Physicians  Association  as  cedures at district hospitals.      III cities. Continuing with this effort, WHEELS
        well  as  AAPI.  The  Chair  of  Health  Council  Dr                                       Global Foundation, in collaboration with Shiv
        Raj Shah has completely transformed the India   this implementation of 315 telemedicine    Yog Foundation and the Rotary Club of Aurang-
        Health initiative along with other eminent team                                            abad, procured 10 Oxygen Concentrators for
        members including Rajat Gupta.               units by the health council has impacted  Aurangabad….” The local media also reported
            The WHEELS Health Council was in full    about 1.8 million people with each opera-     this effort and its contribution to the local com-
        gear throughout this year of the pandemic. With                                            munity.
        the active solicitation of our many volunteers and  tion serving a rural area with a population   WGF Health council also made strides for es-
        the very able guidance of the health council, we   of approx. 5,000. the health council also   tablishing a footprint for its service in the United
        implemented 315  Telemedicine  Operations  in                                              States by implementing the first Telemedicine ini-
        partnership with EVOLKO – a telemedicine plat- helped to work with the Rotary clubs in  tiative at New York University in Manhattan and
        form vendor applying AI/ML for diagnostics and   aurangabad with oxygen concentrators to   launching a research program with the Center of
        healthcare. Bihar has 155 and Uttar Pradesh has                                            Medical Innovation at the University of Utah.
        88 telehealth clinics.                       help meet their local requirements.              The  council  also  expanded  the  program  to
            The model  labeled Healthcare Easy  Access                                             include 12+ sub-committees to evaluate activities
        for Rural communities through Telemedicine       In acknowledging the assistance provided by  in other areas such as Oncology, Mental Health,
        (HEART) offers local individual operators to  WGF, the Rotary Club newsletter read “…. In  Maternal, and Child Care, etc. where technology
        earn  a  fair  wage,  experience  an  entrepreneurial  these unprecedented times, when there is much  can help to scale philanthropy.

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