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BUSINESS EYE                                                       FEBRUARY 24, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 32

                                                              TECH T@LK

                   WhatsApp rolls out                                       Meta to introduce Telegram-

         picture-in-picture video call  like channels on Instagram

                        feature for iOS                                           merican tech conglomerate

                                                                                  Meta is set to introduce its own
           nstant   messaging   platform   users access to picture-in-picture  Atake  on  Telegram  channels
           WhatsApp has finally started roll-  mode, although you might need to   with broadcast channels on Instagram.
        Iing out picture-in-picture mode   wait a little while before using it as   According to The Verge, an
        for video calls on iOS, as spotted ear-  WhatsApp says this feature will roll   American technology news web-
        lier by 9to5Mac, reported The Verge,   out  the  feature  “over  the  coming   site, the announcement was  made
        an American technology news web-  weeks”  and  the  same  goes  for  the   by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg on
        site.                             handful of other features bundled in   Thursday  via  one  of  the  new  chan-  will “support collabs with guest ap-
            According to the outlet, this fea-  the update, reported The Verge.  nels. The channels feature currently   pearances, AMAs and more. Chan-
        ture,  which  WhatsApp  first  started   The  addition  of  customizable   only works on the mobile app. Cre-  nels are initially exclusively available
        testing last year, lets users open up   avatars that you can use as stickers   ators can now broadcast messages   on Instagram, but will be available
        other apps during video calls with-  and profile images, support for lon-  and  updates  to  a  large  audience  of   on Messenger and Facebook “in the
        out  any  disruptions.  WhatsApp  will   ger group descriptions and subjects,   followers who have opted in to follow   coming months.”
        reduce your video call to a small   and the option to add subtitles when   the channel. Followers will be unable   Currently, the feature is in test-
        window that sits atop whichever app   sending documents are all examples   to post in the channels, but they will   ing with a select group of creators, in-
        you go to, similar to FaceTime’s pic-  of this.                     be able to emoji reply to posts and   cluding snowboarder Chloe Kim and
        ture-in-picture mode. This enables    As per The Verge, WhatsApp    vote in polls.                    streamer Valkyrae, who will be start-
        you to participate in the call while   also introduced brand-new status ca-  Zuckerberg’s channel, called   ing their broadcast channels over the
        looking up information online, read-  pabilities earlier this month that al-  Meta Channel will be a place where   course of Thursday.
        ing a relevant book, or even playing   lows users to share their status with   he shares “news and updates on all   As per The Verge, the new chan-
        a game.                           a  select  group  of  people,  reply  to   the products and tech we’re building   nels could be a very useful new tool
            The most recent WhatsApp up-  someone else’s status with an emoji,   at Meta,” reported The Verge.  for  creators  to  share  updates  with
        date for iOS (version 23.3.77) gives   record voice updates, and more.  He says down the line channels   their communities.

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