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EYE ON BOLLYWOOD                                                  FEBRUARY 21, 2025        |  The Indian Eye 32


              Looking back at the life and work of Indian

          cinema icon as a biopic on her is in the works

            The actor made her Bollywood debut at the age of 9 with a romantic musical film ‘Basant’ in 1942. In a career

          span from the early 1940s to the mid-1960s, she worked in 73 films and her role as ‘Anarkali’ in director K. Asif’s
                      ‘Mughal-e-Azam’ is still considered the greatest performance in the history of Indian cinema

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                                Despite her untimely passing in
                                                                                                              1969 at the age of 36, Madhubala’s
                                                                                                              legacy continues to inspire genera-
             ebruary 14 marks the 92nd birth                                                                  tions of actors, filmmakers, and fans.
             anniversary of Madhubala, one                                                                       As India celebrates Madhubala’s
        Fof the most iconic and beloved                                                                       90th birth anniversary, the country
        actresses of Indian cinema. Known as                                                                  remembers her as a timeless beauty,
        the “Venus of Indian Cinema,” she                                                                     a talented actress, and an enduring
        graced the silver screen in the 1950s                                                                 icon of Indian cinema.
        and 1960s and remains a beloved fig-                                                                      Now, it has been announced that
        ure in Bollywood’s golden era.                                                                        filmmaker Jasmeet K Reen is set to
            Born on February 14, 1933, Mad-                                                                   direct a new biographical drama film
        hubala’s legacy continues to capti-                                                                   based on the life and times of Indian
        vate audiences with her mesmerizing                                                                   cinema legend. Sony Pictures Inter-
        beauty, captivating on-screen pres-                                                                   national  Productions  recently  took
        ence, and unforgettable performances.                                                                 to their official social media handles
        Madhubala, also known  as Mumtaz           Madhubala is a legend of the golden age of Indian cinema (File photo)  to announce the project. “We’re
        Jehan Begum Dehlavi, was a legend-                                                                    thrilled to announce our upcoming
        ary Indian actress who starred in many   mar, coupled with her breathtaking   Her  films  often  showcased  her  film honoring the legendary Madhu-
        classic films during the golden era of   beauty and captivating performance,  remarkable range as an actress, from   bala, the epitome of grace and talent.
        Indian cinema.                    made her an unforgettable part of In- romantic dramas to social comedies.  Get ready to delve into the timeless
            The actor Madhubala was con-  dian cinematic history. Throughout    Madhubala’s personal life was   charm and captivating story of one
        sidered among the most beautiful   her career, Madhubala worked with  also the subject of much fascination   of Bollywood’s most iconic stars. Stay
        and  talented  actors  in  the  industry.   some  of  the  most renowned  direc- and speculation. Her tumultuous re-  tuned for updates! #MadhubalaFilm
        She made her Bollywood debut at   tors and actors of her time, including  lationship with Dilip Kumar and her  #BollywoodLegend #ComingSoon,”
        the age of 9 with a romantic musi-  Guru  Dutt,  Raj  Kapoor,  and  Dev  marriage to Kishore Kumar kept her  the studio posted on Instagram.
        cal film ‘Basant’ in 1942. In a career   Anand.                     in the headlines.                    The biopic aims to honour the
        span from the early 1940s to the mid-                                                                 actor’s career, life, and profound im-
        1960s, she worked in 73 films and her                                                                 pact on Indian cinema. Madhubala
        role as ‘Anarkali’ in director K. Asif’s                                                              was the most celebrated female Bol-
        ‘Mughal-e-Azam’ is still considered                                                                   lywood star during the 1950s and ‘60s.
        the greatest performance in the his-                                                                      She was especially famed for her
        tory of Indian cinema.                                                                                beauty, so much so that her accom-
            Madhubala’s career spanned                                                                        plished acting was often overlooked.
        over two decades, with her first film                                                                    Jasmeet  K  Reen,  known  for
        appearance in “Basant” (1942) at the                                                                  her work on ‘Darlings’ starring Alia
        very young age of eight.                                                                              Bhatt, will direct the film and also pen
            However, her breakthrough role                                                                    the  script.  The  film  is  produced  by
        in ‘Neel Kamal’ (1947) catapulted                                                                     Sony Pictures International Produc-
        her to stardom. Her subsequent films,                                                                 tions and Brewing Thoughts Pvt Ltd.
        such as ‘Mahal’ (1949), ‘Howrah                                                                          The talks about the biopic are in
        Bridge’ (1958), ‘Chalti Ka Naam Gaa-                                                                  the advanced stages and soon a lead-
        di’ (1958), ‘Dastan’ (1950), and ‘Mu-                                                                 ing production house will be roped
        ghal-e-Azam’ (1960), cemented her                                                                     in for this biographical Hindi feature
        position as one of the leading ladies                                                                 film  in  association  with  Madhuba-
        of Indian cinema.                                                                                     la Ventures Private Limited (estab-
            Madhubala’s most iconic role,                                                                     lished by Bhushan and her partners
        however, remains her portrayal of                                                                    - Arvind Kumar Malviya, Prashant
        Anarkali in K. Asif’s magnum opus                                                                     Singh, Madhurya Vinay and Vinay
        ‘Mughal-e-Azam’.  Her  on-screen     Madhubala acted with Dilip Kumar in many films including Mughal-e-Azam (File photo)   Malviya). The leading lady of the film
        chemistry with  co-star  Dilip Ku-                                                                    is still not announced.

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