Page 46 - The Indian EYE 021921
P. 46

ImmIGRATION                                                           February 19, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          46

            state dept. exempts ceRtain tRaveLeRs

                                     FRom RestRictions:

                is there a Better way so That

          the Least number get impacted?

        cYrus d. mehTa               have valid visas or Elec-        Students      traveling economic recovery from  exceptions  for  qualified
                                     tronic System for Travel      from the Schengen Area,  the COVID-19 pandem- travelers seeking to en-
                 n February 10,  Authorization (ESTA)  the UK, and Ireland with  ic and bolster key compo- ter the United States for
                 2021,  the  De- may travel to the United  valid F-1 and M-1 visas  nents of our transatlantic  purposes related  to  hu-
        Opartment                of States while the PP re- do not need to contact  relationship,” DOS said.                 manitarian travel, public
        State (DOS) announced  mains in effect following  an embassy or consulate                   H-2A and certain  health response, and na-
        that certain business  the procedures below,  to seek an individual na- H-2B travelers who have  tional security.
        travelers, investors, trea- DOS said.                      tional interest exception  been present in South
        ty traders, academics,                                     to travel. Students seek- Africa may qualify for                  is theRe
        students, and journalists    also, on January              ing to apply for new F-1  national interest excep-           a betteR way?
        may  qualify  for  nation-                                 or M-1 visas should check  tions “if they are pro-
        al  interest  exceptions     28, 2021,  dos an-            the status of visa services  viding temporary labor                  hile these ex-
                                                                                                                                        ceptions are
        under the Presidential  nounced that certain  at the nearest embassy  or services essential to                       Windeed salu-
        Proclamation (PP) cov-       h-2 travelers from            or consulate. Applicants  the United States food          tary, the Covid-related
        ering travelers from the                                   who are otherwise qual- supply chain.” A non-ex-          proclamations instituted
        Schengen Area, United        south  africa may             ified  for  an  F-1  or  M-1  haustive list of covered
        Kingdom (UK), and Ire-       qualify for national          visa will automatically be  occupations        includes   by Trump and contin-
        land.  Qualified  travelers                                considered for a nation-     seafood  processors,  fish   ued by Biden still cause
        who are applying for or      interest exceptions.          al interest  exception to  cutters, salmon roe tech-      untold hardship. More-
                                                                                                                             over, nothing has been
                                                                   travel.                      nicians, farm equipment      done to alleviate the
                                                                      Business      travelers, mechanics, and agricul-       hardship of those im-
                                                                   investors, academics, J-1  ture equipment opera-          pacted by Trump’s im-
                                                                   students, journalists, and  tors. Applicants applying
                                                                   treaty traders who have a  for a visa will be consid-     migrant visa ban, Procla-
                                                                   valid visa in the appropri- ered for an exception at      mation 10014, and work
                                                                   ate class or an ESTA au- the time of interview,           visa  ban,  Proclamation
                                                                                                                             10052, that were insti-
                                                                   thorization issued before  DOS said. “Travelers           tuted by Trump under
                                                                   the PP’s effective date,  who already hold valid          the cover  of  Covid-19
                                                                   or who are seeking to  H-2A  or  food-supply-             but were actually based
                                                                   apply for a visa, and be- chain related H-2B visas
                                                                   lieve they may qualify for  and  believe they  meet       on the erroneous theory
                                                                   a national interest excep- the exception criteria         that noncitizens enter-
                                                                                                                             ing the US on legitimate
                                                                   tion should contact the  should follow the pro-           visas threatened the jobs
                                                                   nearest U.S. embassy or  cedures set forth on the         of US workers during
                                                                   consulate before travel- Embassy/Consulate web-           the pandemic.
                                                                   ing. If a national interest  site where their visa was
                                                                   exception is approved,  processed for consider-                    lthough     these
                      m of                                         they may travel on either  ation for an exception,”                two proclama-
           CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          a valid visa or ESTA au- DOS said. The exception  Ations were ex-

                                                                                              thorization, as appropri- criteria only apply to H-2  tended by Trump at the

                                                                   ate.                         travelers  and  applicants  end of December 2020
                            “Granting  national subject to a January 25,  with a validity date of
                                                    
              ‚                                                     interest exceptions for  2021, Presidential Proc- March 31, 2021, that end
                                                                   this travel to the United  lamation due to physical  period is too far away
                                                                   States from the Schen- presence in South Africa. and continues to sepa-
                                                                   gen area, UK, and Ire-           DOS said it continues  rate noncitizens from
          2              6th Floor
                 land, will assist with the  to grant national interest  family members and

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