Page 11 - The Indian EYE 021921
P. 11

NATION                                                                February 19, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          11

                                             “campaign will converge with a          Tsundue started his month- Tibetan New Year, according
        >> Continued from previous page...
                                             global campaign asking govern- long 500 kilometres solo Peace  to the post. “To fully appreciate
            “We celebrate the 4th  of  ments to repeal their One-Chi- March from Dharamsala on  the complexities of the Sino-In-
        July like it is our own. We cele- na Policy.”                            12th February 2021 on Losar -  dian border conflict, the people
        brate the 15th of August like it                                                                              of India must understand the
        is our own. We celebrate Can-                                                                                 issue of Tibet. The Indian gov-
        ada Day like it is our own. But                                                                               ernment and its people must
        we are hesitant to celebrate and                                                                              understand very clearly that In-
        reclaim our historical procla-                                                                                dia’s border will be permanent-
        mation of independence on this                                                                                ly secure only when the Tibetan
        day in 1913 by the 13th Dalai                                                                                 issue has been resolved,” the
        Lama.  Are  we  living  and  em-                                                                              post read.
        bracing the world of alternate                                                                                    The 2018 International Re-
        distorted  facts. The only thing                                                                              ligious Freedom report has cat-
        that  separates  our  fight  with                                                                             egorized China as a country of
        China is the truth and if we are                                                                              particular concern regarding
        trying to be politically correct by                                                                           severe religious freedom vio-
        denouncing anything to do with                                                                                lations, along with the likes of
        Independence, we are stabbing                                                                                 North Korea and Syria.
        yourselves to death,” the blog-                                                                                   Since its forceful settle-
        ger added.                                                                                                    ment of Tibet, the CCP has
            In another post shared by                                                                                 relentlessly pushed for the
        the organization, Tenzin Tsun-                                                                                persecution of religion, espe-
        due, a Tibetan writer and ac-                                                                                 cially Tibetan Buddhism. By
        tivist based in India, is urging                                                                              employing its state machinery,
        people “to sign his online peti-                                                                              it has executed campaign after
        tion asking the Government of                                                                                 campaign to meet its objective,
        India to repeal its One-China            Tenzin Tsundue (left) with some Indian supporters on way to Delhi    each more brutal and oppres-
        policy”. He also hopes that his                                                                               sive than the last.

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