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BIG STORY                                                          FEBRUARY 18, 2022  |      The Indian Eye                     5

          Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath addresses an election meeting organised in   Union Home Amit Shah being felicitated by Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant at an election
                                Meerut on Monday (ANI)                                          rally in Sankhali on Wednesday (ANI)

        father says that my this son is 10-year-  to vote for the BJP in the Assembly   an incident close to his heart and said   2-3 Sikhs from a nearby field joined us,
        old, this one is 15 -year-old, their age   polls beginning tomorrow and said   that he has seen the valour of the peo-  but to no avail. Then I asked the Sikhs if
        collectively counts 25 so they should   that their vote will decide the future   ple of Punjab and knows their hearts.  there was a mechanic nearby, to which
        be allowed to contest the elections, can   of the state “cautioning” the voters   Taking a trip down memory lane,   they said no. The Sikhs then asked me
        this happen? So you do you think things   against the state becoming Kashmir,   Modi said: “I have been connected   to leave the car there and to accompa-
        go by such calculation?” he asked.  Kerala and Bengal “if the voters make   with the  northern  states, especial-  ny them to their hovel in the field for
            Referring to Congress and Sam-  a mistake.”                     ly Punjab. I have lived in Punjab for   a meal and a night’s stay,” he shared.
        ajwadi Party, he said when a party is   In  a  video  shared  by  the  Uttar   long. I worked as a BJP worker there.   Recalling their warm gesture, PM
        run for generations by a family, there’s   Pradesh BJP on Twitter, Yogi said, “I   I have seen the valour of the people of   Modi said, “The Sikh family, the way
        “only dynasty, not dynamics”. “Start-  have to tell you something that is there   Punjab. I know the heart of the peo-  they handled the situation and asked
        ing from Jammu and Kashmir, where   in my heart. A lot of wonderful things   ple of Punjab.”          me to stay for the night ‘no matter
        there’re two parties run by two sep-  have happened in these five years. Be-  Sharing an incident of a night in   what’....When they got to know that I
        arate families, you can see a similar   ware! If you miss, the labour of these   Punjab at a time when terrorism was   am a BJP worker, they said it is okay.
        trend  in  Haryana,  Jharkhand,  Uttar   five years will be spoiled. It would not   at its peak there and no one would   You are staying here today.”
        Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Dynastic   take much time for Uttar Pradesh to   come out of their homes after evening,   Expressing his fondness for the
        politics is the biggest enemy of democ-  become Kashmir, Kerala and Bengal.   he said, “I was in Moga or Tarantaran,   Sikhs, PM Modi said that no govern-
        racy,” he said.                   Your vote is a blessing on my efforts   I don’t remember exactly, and I had to   ment in the past, especially the Con-
            He said when people discuss se-  of  five  years.  Your  vote  will  also  be   go to the next station, but got late due to   gress, has worked for the community
        curity in Uttar Pradesh, they think of   a guarantee of your fear-free life.”  work. It was just me and my driver and   as much as the BJP-led Centre is doing
        their “troubles during previous gov-  Reminiscing old days as a Bhara-  the car stopped working on the way. I   today. “I believe that they (Punjabis)
        ernments,  mafia  raj,  gunda  raj,  the   tiya Janata Party worker in Punjab,   had an old Ambassador at that time.”  are the veer jawans of the country, and
        manner in  which musclemen had  a   Prime Minister Narendra Modi shared   “We were pushing the car when   I will do whatever I can, for them,”
        status and shelter in government”.                                                                    PM Modi said.
            “Uttar  Pradesh  saw  this  from                                                                      With a little more than a week to
        close quarters,  women couldn’t  step                                                                 go  for  the  upcoming  Assembly  polls
        out. Today women say that they can                                                                    in Punjab scheduled on February 20,
        step out even after dark. This trust is                                                               Prime Minister Narendra Modi will
        essential for security. There was a time                                                              hold public meetings on February 14,
        in Uttar Pradesh when goons could do                                                                  16 and 17 covering all the three re-
        anything they wanted, today they sur-                                                                 gions of Malwa, Doaba and Majha.
        render. Yogi ji prioritised security and                                                                  He said the Prime Minister’s
        didn’t compromise with it,” he said.                                                                  rallies will change the political atmo-
            Answering a query on Samajwa-                                                                     sphere in the state and further boost
        di Party chief Akhilesh Yadav taking                                                                  the  confidence  of  all  the  NDA  can-
        credit for several schemes inaugurated                                                                didates fighting elections. Punjab will
        during the rule of the BJP government                                                                 go to the polls on February 20 and the
        in the state, the Prime Minister said it                                                              counting of votes will take place on
        was an attempt to encash the good                                                                     March 10.
        work done by the Yogi Adityanath                                                                          With Modi himself now leading
        government.                         Punjab Lok Congress (PLC) chief Amarinder Singh with his daughter Jai Inder Kaur, former   the election campaign in all states, the
            Meanwhile, Uttar Pradesh Chief   Mayor Sanjeev Bittu (2R) and others show victory signs during an election campaign ahead of   results on March 10 will be a big verdict
        Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednes-            the Punjab Assembly Elections in Patiala on Tuesday (ANI)  on the BJP government’s performance
        day appealed to the people of the state                                                               as well as the Prime Minister’s appeal.

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