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BUSINESS EYE                                                       FEBRUARY 17, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 29

                                                              TECH T@LK

        Twitter Blue now available in  Meta brings new status

                   India at the cost of                                           features to WhatsApp

               Rs 650-900 per month                                                 eta has now added several

                                                                                    new features to WhatsApp
              witter Blue is now available   their app, prioritise their tweet re- Mstatus, which will let users
              in India! Twitter  Blue,  which   plies, and undo a tweet before it is   post disappearing pictures and other
        Twas previously exclusively       visible to other users.           media.
        available in a few countries, is now   Not just this, ads will become   According to The Verge, an
        available for Indian users. The paid   half and the user will be able to post   American technology news website,
        service, which provides the coveted   longer videos.                once the features roll out over the
        and now tainted blue tick mark, sig-  Twitter  Blue  subscribers  have  a   coming weeks, you’ll be able to react
        nifying validity, costs INR 650 and   character limit of 4,000, whereas oth-  to people’s posts with an emoji, lim-  next status you post, but you’ll be
        INR 900 per month on the website   er users have a character restriction   it who can see your status, and post   able to change it without changing
        and mobile, respectively.         of 280.                           voice messages. The announcement   the visibility of past statuses.
            Also, if you decide to take the   Before India, Twitter made this   post read that the status emoji reac-  Other  features  are  small  qual-
        annual subscription, you end up re-  service available in the US, UK,   tions work similarly to how they do   ity-of-life improvements. Statuses
        ceiving INR 1,000 discount. So in-  Canada, Saudi Arabia, Australia,   on Instagram; when you swipe up on   that include links will also be more vi-
        stead of paying INR 7,800, you only   New Zealand, Germany, and France   the post, you get the option to choose   sually appealing -- Meta says there’ll
        pay INR 6,800.                    among many others.                from one of eight emojis.         now be previews for the site or page
            Twitter Blue brings  along a lot   Also, prior to the launch of Twit-  The feature lets you change who   that the link will take you to.
        of  unique  features.  Its  subscribers   ter Blue, the blue tick was assigned   can see your statuses, with the option   WhatsApp is also trying to make
        will have first access to features such   to authentic accounts of celebrities,   to show it to everyone, hide it from   it clearer when people post status by
        as tweet editing, bookmark folders,   politicians, and public figures. How-  certain contacts, or only show it to   adding  a  ring  around  their  profile
        unique  app  icons,  and  NFT  profile   ever, now anyone who pays the sub-  specific people, reported The Verge.  picture in the chat lists, group partic-
        images. Such users will also be able   scription cost can now purchase the   According to Meta, the options   ipant lists, and contact info screens,
        to select multiple colour themes for   checkmark via Twitter Blue.  you pick will be the default for the   as per The Verge.

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