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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah                                  FEBRUARY 17, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 22

                                               APPLE STRATEGY:

          Innovation & MARKETING the INNOVATION

                                     Follow Apple Strategy to TRANSFORM your BUSINESS

                   HIRAV SHAH

                ost of us love the brand ‘Ap-
                ple’. The world loves the iP-
        Mhone and all its products.
            Apple understands how to deal
        with emotional buyers and logical
            So, all in all, there are two princi-          In a nutshell, innovation and marketing need to be instilled in the product cycle’s every phase
        ples behind Apple’s massive success.
            –Firstly & the First part is, Apple
        understands the desires of tech-savvy   the benefits of the product or ser-  The Failure Story of KODAK!   -Unproductive strategies: Strate-
        customers. So, they strongly follow   vice  to  the  wider  market  through   One famous company that faced   gies that don’t fit the industry, company,
        INNOVATION in technology each       product positioning, pricing, com-  failure due to an unwillingness to in-  product, service and market-timing.
        year.                               munication  and  advertising,  sales   novate and therefore market is—Ko-  -Foresight: If a company is not
            So, INNOVATION is the ‘First    channels and more.                                                willing to innovate and their potential
        and the Foremost strategy’.                                         dak. In 1975, the company’s chief en-  becomes obsolete or limited.
                                                     Explanation:           gineer Steve Sasson, invented the first   Hence its clear, First Innovation
             What is Innovation?              For any business to grow-Inno-  digital camera. However, because the   and then Marketing the Innovation
            The process of translating an   vation and marketing is the secret   camera was without film and the ma-  is the only and sure-shot way to con-
        idea of an invention into a service   sauce. Yes, that’s right.     jority of its revenue at the time was   quer the mass adoption barrier and
                                                                            to sell film, Kodak’s management dis-
        or product that creates value or for   Innovation(1st) and Marketing   missed it outright.            indeed, it is different as it takes a stra-
        which consumers will pay is called in-  the Innovation (2nd) also called the   Kodak could have been at the cut-  tegic approach to offer personalized
        novation.                         ‘Apple Strategy’ is the pairing of busi-  ting edge of innovation, but instead   and embedded marketing for long-
            –Secondly & The Second part is,   ness’s favorite terms.                                          term success, not just short-term gain
        they understand how to MARKET         And to any business–They should   was totally disrupted by the market   and instant (ROI) ---Thereby ensur-
                                                                            as it failed to adapt to a new market-
        their INNOVATION to their niche   be the core functions. As innovation   place and new consumer attitudes and   ing productivity, profitability and cus-
        consumers.                        can only succeed with marketing, just   sadly,  filed  for  bankruptcy  in  2012.  tomer success stories.
                                          like for product success, marketing
              What is Marketing?          needs innovation.                    The secret to long-term                Final Thought:
            The process where producers       In  a  nutshell, innovation  and          growth!                   First Innovation and then Mar-
        communicate  the  benefits  and  fea-  marketing need to be instilled in                              keting the innovation play a significant
        tures of their products and services   the product cycle’s every phase. The   As it is already widely known,   role in making the brand ‘Apple’ huge.
        to the customers is called marketing.     needs of consumers change along   nine  out  of  ten  startups  fail.  Addi-  So, the takeaway and what busi-
        There are mainly two ways of market-  with the market itself as new compe-  tionally, every year 30,000 plus new   nesses should learn is– “Adopt firstly
        ing. Internal and external.       tition comes.                     consumer products are launched with   Innovation and then Marketing the
        • Internal Marketing: The compa-      Hence, innovation and market-  over 80% failing. Below mentioned   innovation” in your business, so you
          ny’s own human resource must be-  ing is an ongoing method which goes   are the main reasons as to why:  can have a massive turnaround.”
          lieve in the new product or service   hand in hand with the product cycle.  -Consumer orientation: There is
          before it is launched into the wider                              a dearth of background research and   The writer is a well-known Astro
          market.                           What happens if we don’t        information on the industry, market,   Strategist and Business Astrologer
        • External Marketing: Conveying       follow Apple Strategy:        consumers, users and their needs.   Email: [email protected]

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