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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline FEBRUARY 16, 2024 | The Indian Eye 24
A Momentous Occasion:
The BAPS Hindu Mandir in Abu Dhabi
Awaits its Grand Inauguration
OUR BUREAU A defining moment arrived in The groundbreaking ceremo- The inauguration of the iconic
February 2018, when Sheikh Mo- ny, the Shilanyas, held in April Mandir will be celebrated through
New York, NY
hammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the 2019, marked the beginning of a re- the ‘Festival of Harmony’ – a series
tanding tall amidst the shim- Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, gener- markable journey. Dignitaries from of uplifting programs and communi-
mering sands of Abu Dhabi, ously gifted a plot of land, demon- both India and the UAE gathered ty events focused on strengthening
Sthe BAPS Hindu Mandir awaits strating the UAE’s unwavering com- to celebrate the commencement of faith, mobilizing community service,
its grand inauguration on February mitment to interfaith dialogue. This construction, signifying the shared and inspiring harmony among people
14, 2024, by Indian Prime Minister gesture, further strengthened by commitment to realizing this his- of all generations and backgrounds.
Narendra Modi, His Holiness Mah- PM Modi’s launch of the project at toric project. The mandir, designed The ‘Festival of Harmony’ will
ant Swami Maharaj, dignitaries from the Dubai Opera that same month, and built with meticulous attention include the grand inauguration cere-
UAE and well-wishers from across marked a historic chapter in inter- to detail, incorporates sustainable mony of the Mandir on Wednesday,
the world. This magnificent struc- faith relations. practices and features breathtaking February 14, 2024 in the presence
ture, located in the Abu Mureikhah But the story goes beyond offi- architecture that seamlessly blends of esteemed dignitaries, including
district is set to be the first tradition- cial pronouncements. It takes root ancient Hindu temple designs with Prime Minister of India, Shri Naren-
al Hindu stone temple in the United in the vibrant history of the Hindu contemporary aesthetics, reflecting dra Modi.
Arab Emirates. The Mandir embod- community in the UAE. Since the na- the harmonious marriage of tradition The inauguration will be a mo-
ies not just spiritual significance but tion’s founding in 1971, Hindus have and modernity. mentous occasion, as the BAPS
also a powerful narrative of interfaith formed a significant part of its mul- His Holiness Mahant Swami Ma- Hindu Mandir stands as a beacon
harmony and cultural exchange. Its ticultural tapestry. Their presence, haraj arrived in Abu Dhabi on Feb- of hope, reminding us that cultural
journey, paved with the graciousness nurtured by the UAE’s welcoming ruary 5, 2024 as a state guest to pre- diversity can be a source of strength
of the UAE government and the ded- environment, fueled the desire for side over the historic inauguration and progress, paving the way for a
ication of the BAPS Swaminarayan a spiritual space that reflected their of a Hindu temple. Upon arrival at more peaceful and inclusive world.
Sanstha, reflects a shared vision for cultural heritage. the airport, His Holiness was warm- Brahmaviharidas Swami, who
a world where diverse communities For decades, Hindus in the UAE ly greeted by His Excellency Sheikh has been overseeing the Mandir proj-
thrive together. have nurtured their faith through Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahyan, Min- ect under the guidance of His Ho-
The seeds of this dream were weekly satsang assemblies, gather- ister of Tolerance for the UAE. His liness Mahant Swami Maharaj, ex-
sown in April 1997, when HH Pra- ings dedicated to prayer, spiritual Excellency said to His Holiness, plained, “The BAPS Hindu Mandir
mukh Swami Maharaj, the then discourses, and community building. “Welcome to the UAE. Our nation in Abu Dhabi serves as a spiritual oa-
spiritual leader of BAPS, envisioned These assemblies, further strength- is blessed with your presence. We are sis for global harmony that celebrates
a mandir in Abu Dhabi that would ened by regular visits of spiritual touched by your kindness and we feel the past and recalibrates the future. It
“bring countries, cultures, commu- leaders from India, provided a sense your prayers.” In response, Mahant is a timeless testament to the spiritu-
nities and religions closer together.” of belonging and shared purpose. It Swami Maharaj warmly replied, “We ality of His Holiness Pramukh Swami
This vision found fertile ground in was within this fertile ground of de- are touched by your love and respect. Maharaj and the generosity, sinceri-
the UAE’s growing embrace of toler- votion and community spirit that the The leaders of the UAE are great, ty, and friendship of the leaderships
ance and religious freedom. dream of a mandir truly blossomed. good, and large-hearted.” of the UAE, India, and BAPS.”