Page 19 - The Indian EYE 021221
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OPINION                                                               February 12, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          19

                                           global brands,

             indian farms and reforms

             Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media

              he  recent  social  media                                                                               tellect and is often adept at rep-
              noise against the farm bills                                                                            artee,  especially  when  playing
       Tmakes  me  terribly  upset.                                                                                   to a supportive crowd.
        People  with  half-baked  infor-                                                                                  His prowess at both coining
        mation and half-doubtful inten-                                                                               and interpreting acronyms is
        tions are bombarding social me-                                                                               also well-known.
        dia against laws they don’t fully                                                                                 However, there is always the
        understand. It’s heartbreaking                                                                                danger that in the context of is-
        to see people try to derail Indian                                                                            sues of great moment, this play
        agriculture’s  progress.  Global                                                                              with acronyms may descend to
        pop stars and other influencers                                                                               embarrassing levity merely.
        coordinated,  if  not  downright                                                                                 This once he chose to take
        colluded to post against the new                                                                              up  for  play  the  acronym  FDI,
        farm laws.                                                                                                    quipping that a new dangerous
            Like cult leaders, almost all                                                                             FDI was doing the rounds in
        these people attain influence by      Farmers and their supporters hold placards during their ongoing protest   India. He was pleased to call it
        showing greater morality, virtue         against farm law, at Ghazipur border in New Delhi on Friday. (ANI)   ‘Foreign  Destructive  Ideology.’
        signaling and justice credentials.                                                                            Rather a labored one that, but
        Since they are successful and as- is  that  many  leaders  from  the  the  farm  laws.  Parliament  has  never mind.
        pirational as well, their crusade  ruling  Bharatiya  Janata  Party  the final authority to decide on            Acronyms,  of  course,  are
        wins  them  a  lot  of  fans,  likes  (BJP) were at the forefront of  its internal procedures that are  open  to  multiple  expansions,
        and  followers.  There’s  nothing  this skullduggery.                    not  subject  to  judicial  review,  and  Derek  O’Brien  of  the  All
        wrong with the strategy. It’s easy      This  was  hitting  below  the  and it can enact any law it likes  India Trinamool Congress – an
        and makes for good marketing.  belt  on  the  izzat  and  ego  of  so long as it doesn’t violate the  accomplished quiz master – was
        What  these  influencers  regu- farmers. The popular image of  Constitution.  A  Recalling  Act  quick to suggest that in the cur-
        larly want is to post continuous  the poor Indian farmer working  would  not  “repeal”  the  legisla- rent  Indian  context,  FDI  may
        proof of their social justice cru- to feed the nation was being de- tion,  as  lawyers  understand  it,  more  relevantly  be  interpret-
        sades and their bleeding hearts  fied. Potshots of all kind, includ- but would “recall” it for further  ed as ‘Farmers Dying in India.’
        to retain their engagement.”         ing the availability of good food  deliberations.                        Sombre but true enough.

                  Chetan Bhagat,             at the langars, became a regular        For  practical  intents  and         Shri Modi’s fear of ‘foreign’
               The Times of India            feature  on  TV  and  social  me- purposes, the farm laws would  ideas, of course, contrasts strik-
                                             dia. To discredit the movement,  cease  to  exist,  and  the  Recall- ingly  with  Gandhi’s  famous
             Farmer & soldier                a  campaign  was  launched,  di- ing Act should say so clearly in  averment that he wished winds
           “A section of very eager and  rectly aimed at humiliating the  order to avoid future interpre- of all kinds to pass through his
        zealous media started a vicious  farming community.”                     tational  disputes.  After  being  doors and windows, even as he
        campaign to target the farmers                                            so  “recalled”,  the  laws  could  refused  to  be  blown  away  by
        as  ‘Khalistani’  supporters.  The       maj gen yash mor (retd),        be  placed  before  Parliament  any. Nor would Shri Modi’s cur-
                                                         The Print
        narrative started to build when                                          for  due  discussions  and  delib- rent favorite (elections in West
        farmers’ organizations were ac-          reCall Farm laWs                erations, and could later be en- Bengal being due soon), Tagore
        cused of having been ‘infiltrated’      “How  can  this  be  used  to  acted in a suitable form for the  have for one brief moment en-
        by  ‘Urban  Naxals’,  ‘tukde  tuk- break the impasse? One way  purposes  of  the  original  state  dorsed Shri Modi’s disparage-
        de  gang’,  etc.  Many  started  to  could be to convince two state  legislatures that had passed the  ment of ideas ‘foreign’, it might
        blame Pakistan’s Inter-Services  legislatures  to  invoke  their  au- enabling resolutions under arti- be noted in passing.”
        Intelligence  (ISI)  and  China  thority  under  Article  252,  and  cle 252. Other states can opt in                    Badri raina,
        for funding the agitation. Ques- to  pass  a  resolution  enabling  later by resolution, or have their                    The Wire
        tions started to appear on the  Parliament to enact a law under,  own legislation.”
        ‘quality’  and  ‘type’  of  farmers  say, entry 14 of the state list. So
        sitting at the protest sites. En- enabled,  Parliament  can  then                 Khagesh gautam,              Every week, we look at what the
        glish-speaking, clothed Western  enact  a  “Recalling  Act”,  em-               The Indian Express             top commentators in the Indian
                                                                                                                         media are talking about and
        wear,  pizza-eating  men  could  powered whereby the President                    modi’s tears                    bring to you a slice of their

        not be farmers? The sad part  by  notification  would  “recall”             “Shri  Modi  has  a  skillful  in-     opinions and comments

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