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OpINION                                                            FEBRUARY 04, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 12

          Beating Retreat on the Raj Path

                and demonstration of India’s

                                                 drone Power

            Globally, the demonstration of military capabilities through ceremonial parades and drills signifies

           the strategic positioning of countries and their military strength and readiness. In the past, India has

         avoided displaying its nuclear strength due to geopolitical reasons. However, with the changing dynamics
            of the battlefield and the nature of warfare, India has realized the imperative of strategic positioning

        SANUR ShARMA                                                                                          based launcher. In June 2019, the US
                                                                                                              Defense Advanced Research Proj-
           ndia has announced that a novel                                                                    ects Agency (DARPA) demonstrat-
           “Drone Show” comprising 1,000                                                                      ed a swarm of autonomous drones
        Iswarm drones will light up the sky                                                                   to analyse, surround and secure a
        for about 10 minutes during the Beat-                                                                 mock city building. The demonstra-
        ing Retreat Ceremony on 29 January                                                                    tion was part of DARPA’s Offensive
        2022. It has been designed, concep-                                                                   Swarm-Enabled Tactics (OFFSET)
        tualized and produced indigenously                                                                    programme, which has about 250
        under the “Make in India” initiative                                                                  drones to accompany smaller infan-
        by  Botlab  Dynamics,  and has  been                                                                  try units to carry missions in dense
        sponsored by the Indian Institute of                                                                  urban environments.
        Technology (IIT) Delhi and the De-
        partment of Science & Technology                                                                      on 15 January 2021, the Indi-
        (DST), Ministry of Electronics  and
        Information Technology (MeitY).                                                                       an army had demonstrated its
        With a display of 1,000 indigenously                                                                  drone power with a display of
        produced swarm drones, India would
        become the fourth nation to achieve                                                                   Kamikaze mock attacks and
        such a feat, making it a front row ac-                                                                first-aid delivery during the
        tor with a strong foothold in the field
        of drone technology.                                                                                  army  day Parade.  the 75 in-
            The US, Russia and China have                                                                     digenously developed drones
        carried out  such  swarm  drone dis-
        plays in the past. In 2020, China                                                                     had displayed the swarming
        tested its swarm drone technology                                                                     capabilities through an array of
        and demonstrated rapid deployment
        with intensive launching, hovering,                                                                   artificial Intelligence enabled
        precise formation,  inspection and                                                                    offensive missions.
        precision strike. In May 2021, the
        Chinese People’s Liberation Army                                                                          This display contributed 13 tar-
        (PLA) showcased various drones like                                                                   gets at hostile armor mortar posi-
        WZ-7 and WZ-8 (Chinese version of                                                                     tions with troop concentrations, ter-
        US R.Q.  “Global Hawk”) at the In-                                                                    ror hideouts, radar sites and helipads
        ternational Aviation and Aerospace                                                                    that were brought down. The drones
        Exhibition, also known as the Air-                                                                    were synchronized with satellite feeds
        show China, signalling the increased   Around 1,000 Made in India drones rehearse for the Beating Retreat ceremony, at Vijay chowk   and  area  correlation  technologies.
        importance of drones in its military              in New Delhi on Tuesday. (ANI Photo/Rahul Singh)    The remarkable thing about these
        strategy. According to the Chinese                                                                    swarm drones was that they were a
        media reports and experts, these sur-  China showcased drone swarms and   The US Navy displayed its offensive   heterogeneous swarm equipped with
        veillance drones are likely to be used   robots leading to speculations about   swarm operations with its LOCUST   a quadcopter, a six-rotor mothership
        over parts of South and East China   their possible use during conflicts in   (Low-Cost  Unmanned  Aerial  Ve-  drone and small quadcopters with
        seas and on the borders with India   the Taiwan Strait. The US also, in the   hicle Swarming Technology) Drone   explosives.
        and Afghanistan.                  past, has conducted various demon-  Swarm that has the capabilities of
            At another PLA drill in May 2021,   strations of their drone technologies.   firing  small  UAVs  from  the  tube-  Continued at next page... >>

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