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BUSINESS EYE                                                       FEBRUARY 03, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 30

             Modi Govt. to give boost to startup

         ecosystem in the forthcoming budget

               Indian Embassy in Kathmandu organized India-Nepal Startup Connect to bring together

                                              the start-up ecosystems of the two countries

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi/Kathmandu

              he government is expected to
              announce in the forthcom-
        Ting Budget steps to further
        strengthen the startup ecosystem
        in the country and address inverted
        duty issues in certain sectors to pro-
        mote  domestic  manufacturing,  offi-
        cial sources said. Fiscal incentives un-
        der the production linked incentive
        (PLI) scheme to some more sectors
        are also likely to be announced in the
        Budget, which will be presented on
        February 1.
            Besides, the government may
        consider providing funds to infra-
        structure projects approved  by  the
        Network Planning Group (NPG),
        constituted under the PM Gati Shak-
        ti initiative, they said.
            On October 13 last year, Prime
        Minister Narendra Modi launched
        the Gati Shakti - National Master
        Plan aimed at developing integrat-            Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently visited Startup Exhibition and inspected the products on display (ANI)
        ed infrastructure to reduce logistics
        costs. The NPG has representations   encouraging private investments in   nance Track of the G20 during In-  “The focus area of this event,
        from various connectivity infrastruc-  the startup ecosystem.       dia’s presidency.                 Startup connect is very much consis-
        ture ministries/ departments involv-  “The  commerce  and  industry    “This year is a special year for us,  tent with the vision of the Govern-
        ing their heads of network planning   ministry has suggested steps to fur-  it’s the 75th year of India’s indepen-  ment of Nepal for having envisioned
        division for unified planning and in-  ther promote ease of doing business   dence and also, the 75th year of the   Digital Nepal which has been formu-
        tegration of the proposals.       for startups,” one of the sources said.  Nepal-India diplomatic relationship.  lated “Digital Nepal 2020” with the
            All these departments approach    Meanwhile, as part of the ini-  This year is also important as India is   goal of having an economically pros-
        the  NPG  first  for  approval  before   tiative, the Indian Embassy in Kath-  also heading the G20 forum, as you   perous digital society. This is being
        making a DPR (detailed project re-  mandu on Tuesday organized In-  know it is a group of the 20 largest   contributed by with priority of Nepal
        port) at the planning stage. Inverted   dia-Nepal Startup Connect to bring   economies of the world. Under G20   Rastra Bank for having an emphasis
        duty structure refers to taxation of   together the start-up ecosystems   chairmanship, India has put a special   on  digital  financial  services  and  cel-
        inputs  at  higher  rates  than  finished   of the two countries in association   emphasis on promoting digital pub-  ebrating this year 2022-23 as digital
        products that results in build-up of   with the Confederation of Nepalese   lic goods,” Ambassador  Srivastava   payment promotion year,” Governor
        credits and cascading costs.      Industries Young Entrepreneurs Fo-  said addressing the event. He also   Adhikari said.
            The government has already tak-  rum (CNIYEF).                  mentioned the importance of digital   Addressing the event Joint Secre-
        en a series of steps to promote start-  The event focused on fostering   public goods like JAM trinity (Jan   tary Ministry of Industry Commerce
        ups in the country. Under the Start-  connections between India and Ne-  Dhan Yojana, Aadhaar and Mobile   and Supplies Nepal, Babu Ram Gau-
        up India initiative, Fund of Funds   pal’s startup ecosystems. The event   Number) in enabling financial inclu-  tam and assistant manager at Startup
        for Startups (FFS) scheme, Startup   celebrated  75 years  of India-Nepal   sion and startups.        India Anubhav Kumar Das made a pre-
        India Seed Fund Scheme (SISFS)    diplomatic relations as well as 75    At the event, Adhikari elabo-  sentation on the Startup India Scheme.
        and  Credit  Guarantee  Scheme  for   years of India’s independence. The   rated on the theme of Digital Nepal   The Startup India scheme was
        Startups (CGSS) are implemented   Governor of Nepal Rastra Bank     and spoke about the year 2023 being   launched on January 16, 2016, and has
        to provide capital at various stages of   Maha Prasad Adhikari was the Chief   Nepal’s Digital Payment Promotion   supported more than 4200 startups in
        the business cycle of a startup.  Guest at the event. Addressing the   Year. He called for greater collabo-  India through its Seed Fund. CEO of
            The government launched Start-  inaugural session, the Ambassador   ration on fin-tech between India and   Paynearby Anand Bajaj gave an over-
        up India initiative in January 2016   of India to Nepal, Naveen Srivastava   Nepal, identifying cross-border pay-  view of how the fintech sector in In-
        with an intent to build a strong eco-  highlighted India’s G20 Presidency   ments and QR payments as possible   dia has evolved with support from the
        system for nurturing innovation and   and Nepal’s participation in the Fi-  areas of cooperation.     government, regulators and industry.

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