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OPINION                                                           FEBRUARY 02, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 10

         Today’s Bharat, as a global

          ally, is busy connecting the

                                             entire world

        NARENDRA MODI                                                                                             Today, Bharat Parv is also com-
                                                                                                              mencing from the ramparts of the
              nglish rendering of the Indian                                                                  Red Fort on Parakram Diwas. Over
              Prime Minister’s address at                                                                     the next nine days, the country’s di-
        Ethe Parakram Diwas celebra-                                                                          versity will be showcased through
        tions  at Red  Fort  in  New  Delhi  on                                                               Republic Day  tableaux and cultur-
        January 23, 2024                                                                                      al programmes in this Bharat Parv.
            Congratulations to all of you on                                                                  Bharat  Parv  reflects  the  ideals  of
        the birth anniversary of Netaji Sub-                                                                  Subhas Chandra Bose. This is a fes-
        has  Chandra,  officially  recognized                                                                 tival to adopt ‘Vocal for Local’.  This
        as Parakram Diwas. The Red Fort,                                                                      festival is meant to promote tourism.
        which witnessed the strength of the                                                                   It is a celebration of respect for diver-
        Azad Hind Fauj revolutionaries, is                                                                    sity and aims to elevate ‘Ek Bharat
        once again brimming with renewed                                                                      Shrestha Bharat’ to new heights. I
        energy today. The initial years of                                                                    appeal to everyone to celebrate the
        Amritkaal,  the  nationwide  enthusi-                                                                 country’s diversity by participating in
        asm of ‘Sankalp Se Siddhi,’ and this                                                                  this festival.
        particular moment are truly unprec-
        edented. Just yesterday, the entire                                                                   I will never forget the day when
        world witnessed a historic milestone
        in Bharat’s cultural consciousness.                                                                   I had the honour of raising the
        The entire world and humanity ex-                                                                     tricolour at the Red Fort on the
        perienced the energy and emotions
        associated with the ‘Pran Pratistha’                                                                  75th anniversary of Azad Hind
        of  the  grand  Ram  temple.  And  to-                                                                Fauj. Netaji’s life symbolizes not
        day, we are celebrating the birth
        anniversary of the great leader Shri                                                                  only hard work but also brav-
        Subhas Chandra Bose. Over the last                                                                    ery. He sacrificed his dreams
        few  years,  since  23rd  January  was
        declared as Parakram Diwas, the sig-                                                                  and aspirations for Bharat’s
        nificant festival of Republic Day now                                                                 independence. He could have
        begins from 23rd  January and  con-
        tinues until 30th January, the death                                                                  chosen an easier life for him-
        anniversary of Bapu. Now, the grand                                                                   self, but he aligned his dreams
        spiritual festival of 22nd January has
        also been added to this celebration                                                                   with Bharat’s resolve.
        of Republic Day. These last few days
        of January are becoming highly in-                                                                        Netaji was one of those great
        spiring for our spiritual and cultural                                                                sons of the country who not only op-
        consciousness, as well as our democ-                                                                  posed foreign rule but also provided
        racy and patriotism. I extend my best                                                                 a  fitting  reply  to  those  who  ques-
        wishes!                                                                                               tioned Indian civilization. He boldly
            Today, there is an exhibition                                                                     presented  Bharat’s  identity  as  the
        portraying the life of Netaji. Artists                                                                Mother of Democracy to the world.
        have captured the life of Netaji on                                                                   At a time when some doubted de-
        one vast canvas. I commend all the                                                                    mocracy in Bharat, Netaji reminded
        artists involved in this effort. A short   Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a programme marking Parakram Diwas celebrations at   them of Bharat’s democratic heri-
        while ago, I also had a conversation                                                                  tage and history. Netaji used to as-
        with my young friends who were hon-                   the Red Fort in New Delhi  (ANI Photo)          sert that democracy is a human insti-
        oured with the Rashtriya Bal Puras-                                                                   tution, which has been prevalent for
        kar. Their courage, talent, and skills   meet the youth of Bharat, my be-  Bose is a great role model for this   hundreds of years in various parts of
        at such a young age are astonishing.   lief in a developed Bharat becomes   capable ‘Amrit’ generation of the   Bharat. Today, as Bharat takes pride
        Every  time  I  get  an  opportunity  to   stronger. Netaji Subhas Chandra   country.                        Continued on next page... >>

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