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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah                                   JANUARY 24, 2025       |  The Indian Eye 34

         “No Certainty in Politics, Health, Business

                        or Death - What’s Your Strategy?

         In business, uncertainty is a constant companion. Market trends can shift, customer

                          preferences can change, and economic conditions can fluctuate

                                                                                                              it’s  important  to  have  flexible  work
                                                                                                              policies and plans in place to handle
                                                                                                              health-related disruptions.
                                                                                                              Q: Why is there uncertainty in business?
                                                                                                              A: Business uncertainty comes from
                                                                                                              changes in the market, custom-
                                                                                                              er preferences, and the economy.
                                                                                                              Things can shift quickly, and busi-
                                                                                                              nesses need to adapt to survive.

                                                                                                              Q: How can businesses handle uncer-
                    Hirav Shah                                                                                A: Businesses can handle uncertain-
                                                                                                              ty by being flexible, innovative, and
           n life, there are few constants,            Business uncertainty comes from changes in the market,    ready to change direction if needed.
           and one of them is uncertainty.   customer preferences, and the economy. Things can shift quickly, and businesses need to   Diversifying revenue sources and
        IWhether it’s in politics, health,                                                                    staying on top of trends also help.
        business, or even the inevitability of             adapt to survive (Representative/File photo)       Q: Why do we need to think about un-
        death, the only certainty is that we                                                                  certainty in life and death?
        will all face the unknown at some   remains  a  significant  concern  for   our time, and to leave a lasting im-  A: Life and death are the ultimate un-
        point.                                                                pact.
                                            individuals and businesses.                                       certainties because we don’t know what
                                          • A sudden illness can disrupt lives,   • Dealing with this uncertainty   will happen or when. Thinking about
        The question is, how do we          careers, and companies.           means living with intention.    this can help us focus on what’s import-
        cope with this uncertainty?       • The COVID-19 pandemic is a  Navigating Uncertainty in Life,       ant and make the most of our time.
                                            prime example of how health un-
        How do we navigate a world          certainties  can  have far-reaching   Politics, and Business      Exercise: Navigating Uncertainty
        where  the rules  can  change     • Managing health-related uncer-  Q: Why is there so much uncertainty in   in Life and Business
                                                                                                              Step 1: Identify Areas of Uncertainty
        overnight, where today’s plan       tainty involves proactive measures.   A: Politics is always changing due to   Step 2: Assess Your Control
        may  not work tomorrow, and       •                                 elections, new laws, and global events.   • For each area of uncertainty, ask
                                                                            These changes can affect businesses
                                                                                                                yourself: “What can I control in
        where the future is always just   The Uncertainty in Business       and people’s lives, making it hard to   this situation?”
                                          • In business, uncertainty is a con-
        out of reach?                       stant companion. Market trends   predict what will happen next.   • Make two lists: one for the aspects
                                            can shift, customer preferences can   Q: How can I deal with political uncer-  you can control and one for the as-
                                                                                                                pects you cannot control.
        The Uncertainty in Politics         change,  and  economic  conditions   tainty in my business?       Step 3: Develop a Plan for What You
                                            can fluctuate.
        • Politics is a realm where uncertainty   • Successful businesses are those that   A: Stay informed about political   Can Control
                                                                            changes and be ready to adapt your
          is almost a given. Political climates   learn to thrive in uncertainty rather   plans if needed. It’s also helpful to   Step 4: Create Contingency Plans
          shift with elections, policy changes,   than be paralyzed by it.   have backup plans and strong con-  • Consider the aspects you cannot
          and international developments.                                                                       control. Develop a simple contin-
        • Leaders  rise  and  fall,  alliances   • They innovate, adapt, and remain   nections that can support you during   gency plan for each one.
                                            resilient in the face of challenges.
                                                                            uncertain times.
          form and break, and the global                                                                      Step 5: Build Resilience
          stage is ever-changing.         The Ultimate Uncertainty: Life  Q: Why is health so unpredictable?      Write down three practices or
        • For businesses, this political uncer-  and Death                  A: Health can be unpredictable be-  habits you can adopt to build resil-
          tainty can lead to regulatory chang-  • Death is the ultimate uncertainty,   cause illnesses or accidents can hap-  ience and better cope with uncertain-
          es, shifts in trade agreements, and   the one aspect of life that is both   pen at any time, even when we don’t   ty. This could include mindfulness
          fluctuations in market conditions.  certain and unknowable.       expect them. This can disrupt our   exercises, regular physical activity,
        How do you deal with this?        • While it’s a topic many prefer not   personal lives and businesses.  or staying connected with supportive
        • The Uncertainty in Health         to dwell on, acknowledging the re-  Q: What can I do to manage health un-  friends and family.
        • Health is another area where un-  ality of mortality can bring clarity   certainties?                 The writer is a well known Business
          certainty reigns supreme.         to how we live our lives.       A: Take care of your health by living   Turnaround Specialist, Astro Strategist,
        • Despite advances in medicine, the   • It encourages us to focus on what   a healthy lifestyle and having access   and BestSelling Author.
          unpredictability of health issues   truly matters, to make the most of   to good healthcare. For businesses,   [email protected]

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