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Newsmakers of the Week                                              JANUARY 24, 2025       |  The Indian Eye 28

                                                                            established under the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 to strengthen U.S. lead-
                                                                            ership in semiconductor technology and innovation.
                                                                                As  a  member  of  the  NSTC  Workforce  Advisory  Board,  Raghunathan
                                                                            will provide strategic input on national and regional workforce development
                                                                            initiatives to the NSTC’s newly established Workforce Center of Excellence
                                                                            (WCoE). The board’s mission is to ensure that WCoE programs remain em-
                                                                            ployer-driven, worker-centered and aligned with real-time industry needs.
                                                                                Natcast, the nonprofit entity designated by the U.S. Department of Com-
                                                                            merce to operate the NSTC, announced the new board on Thursday (Jan. 2).
                                                                            On the occasion, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo said, “These
                                                                            impressive leaders have the experience and track record necessary to advise
                                                                            the WCoE and hold it to the highest standards and will be critical to moving
                                                                            these efforts forward.”
                                                                                Raghunathan is one of only four representatives from major universities
                                                                            selected to join the 18-member board and will serve as a key voice in national
                                                                            efforts to build and strengthen the semiconductor talent pipeline. This ap-
                                                                            pointment underscores Purdue’s national leadership in semiconductor edu-
        who have dedicated their lives to service, while the Six Core Principles Awards   cation and workforce development.
        spotlight young international humanitarians.                            “Human talent is perhaps the most critical element of the semiconductor
            This year’s Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Awards also celebrated other
        outstanding individuals for their contributions to youth empowerment and so-  supply chain. Scaling the workforce is essential to sustaining innovation and
                                                                            driving economic growth in this pivotal industry,” Raghunathan said. “Thanks
        cial change. NBA Hall of Famer, Shaquille O’Neal, received the Muhammad   to Purdue President Mung Chiang’s vision and persistence, and the sustained
        Ali Humanitarian of the Year Award, while Grammy-Award-winning music   efforts of our exceptional faculty and staff, Purdue is a leader in addressing
        producer, Nile Rodgers, was honored with the Global Citizenship Award.   this national and industrywide challenge. Being part of the NSTC Workforce
        Public interest attorney, Bryan Stevenson, received the Lifetime Achievement   Advisory Board is an extraordinary opportunity, and I look forward to collab-
        Award, and award-winning journalist Dawne Gee was recognized as the Ken-  orating with NSTC leadership and my accomplished fellow board members to
        tucky Humanitarian.                                                 shape national strategies for creating a robust semiconductor talent pipeline.”
            The event celebrated Richa Gupta alongside other young changemakers,
                                                                                To read more about Indian diaspora and Global Indians, log on to and
        including Deja Foxx, Sophia Kianni, Shah Chowdhury and Mohammad Yasir,   follow our website
        Lianna Genovese, and Charlot Magayi, who are all committed to enacting
        sustainable and positive change, globally. Together, these young leaders exem-
        plify the values and vision of ‘The Greatest’, Muhammad Ali, continuing his   To read more about Indian diaspora and Global Indians, log on to and follow
        legacy of service, justice, and empowerment.                                          our website
            Richa accepted the award on behalf of Labhya, a nonprofit that integrates
        well-being programs into India’s public education system, deeply impacting
        the well-being and mental health of millions of vulnerable children.

                            VIJAY RAGHUNATHAN

               Professor appointed to US

               Workforce Advisory Board

              ijay Raghunathan, Purdue’s vice president for global partnerships and
              programs, director of semiconductor education, and a professor in the
        VElmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has
        been appointed as an inaugural member of the Workforce Advisory Board
        for the National Semiconductor Technology Center (NSTC). The NSTC was

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