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BUSINESS EYE                                                         JANUARY 21, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 42

                                  mukesh ambani’s makes

         a $98-million mark on new york skyline

             Dunzo raises $240 million in its latest round of funding led by Reliance Retail

                                               Ventures Limited (Reliance Retail)

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            commerce business in the country,
                                                                                                              enabling instant delivery of essentials
        New York/Mumbai
                                                                                                              from a network of micro warehouses
           ndia’s Reliance Industries, owned                                                                  while also expanding its B2B business
           by Asia’s second richest man                                                                       vertical to enable logistics for local
        IMukesh Ambani, has agreed to                                                                         merchants in Indian cities, it added.
        buy an indirect 73.37 per cent stake                                                                      Commenting on the investment
        worth  US$98  million  in  New  York                                                                  deal, Isha Ambani, Director, Reli-
        City’s Mandarin Oriental hotel. It’s                                                                  ance Retail Ventures Limited, said,
        the second big ticket purchase in the                                                                 “We are seeing a shift in consumption
        hospitality sector by Reliance, an oil-to-                                                            patterns to online and have been
        telecoms conglomerate, that last year                                                                 highly impressed with how Dunzo
        bought Stoke  Park,  which owns  and                                                                  has disrupted the space. Dunzo is the
        manages a hotel and sports and leisure   Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani interacts with his wife Nita Ambani at the 44th   pioneer of Quick Commerce in India
        facilities in Britain’s Buckinghamshire.  Annual General Meeting of Reliance Industries Limited in Mumbai (ANI)  and we want to support them in fur-
            Ambani, 65, also has stakes in In-                                                                thering their ambitions of becoming a
        dia’s premier hotel chain – the Oberoi   These include Roseate House Lon-  tors Lightbox, Lightrock, 3L Capital   prominent local commerce enabler in
        – and is building a state-of-the-art con-  don next to the famous Hyde Park in   and Alteria Capital. With an invest-  the country.”
        vention Centre hotel in the country’s   central London and two other devel-  ment of $200 million, Reliance Retail   “Through our partnership with
        financial hub Mumbai.             opments in the town of Reading and   will own 25.8 per cent stake on a ful-  Dunzo, we will be able to provide
            Inspired by the success of hote-  city of Bath.                 ly diluted basis, Dunzo and Reliance   increased convenience to Reliance
        liers like the Oberois and Tatas, many   Meanwhile, Dunzo, a leading   Retail said in a joint statement.   Retail’s consumers and differentiated
        younger Indian hotel proprietors too   player in the quick commerce catego-  “This round is a reinstatement of   customer experience through rapid
        have waded into foreign waters. Bird   ry, announced on Thursday that it has   confidence of existing and new inves-  delivery of products from Reliance
        Group’s Ankur Bhatia, who died    raised $240 million in its latest round   tors in Dunzo’s potential and success   Retail stores. Our merchants will
        at  age  48  last  year,  invested  near-  of funding led by Reliance Retail   in creating an exceptional user experi-  get access to the hyperlocal delivery
        ly US$600 million in acquiring and   Ventures Limited (Reliance Retail).  ence,” it said.             network of Dunzo to support their
        sprucing up three heritage properties   The latest round of funding also   The capital will be used to further   growth as they move their business
        across Britain when he was barely 40.  got participation from existing inves-  Dunzo’s vision to be the largest quick   online through Jio Mart,” she said.

                              relIance’s GrOWInG eMPIre

               ome of the recent investments                                                                November 2020: Reliance Retail ac-
               and  acquisitions made  by  Reli-                                                            quired equity shares of UrbanLadder
         sance Industries and its subsidiar-                                                                for a cash consideration of Rs 182.12
          ies in the technology and startup space:                                                          crore giving it a 96% holding in the
          January  2022:  Reliance  Retail  said                                                            furniture etailer.
          it led a $240 million funding round                                                               August  2020:  Reliance  Retail  ac-
          in  quick  commerce  firm  Dunzo  and                                                             quired  a  majority  equity  stake  in
          now owns 25.8% stake in the Bengal-                                                               Netmeds’ parent Vitalic for approx-
          uru-based startup                                                                                 imately Rs 620 crore.
          July 2021: Reliance Retail acquired the                                                           December 2019: RIL said its subsidi-
          25-year-old search and discovery firm                                                             ary Reliance Strategic Business Ven-
          Just Dial.                                                                                        tures Ltd (RSBVL) picked up 85%
          August 2021: Milkbasket, a hyperlocal                                                             stake in NowFloats Technologies for
          delivery startup, had finalized its sale to                                                       a  cash  consideration of Rs 141.63
          Reliance for around $40 million, after                                                            crore.
          protracted discussions and sharehold-                                                             February  2019:  Reliance  Indus-
          ers disagreement.                                                                                 tries-controlled Reliance Industrial
          July 2020: Reliance Brands bought out                                                             Investment and Holdings Limited
          the stake held by Ronnie Screwvala’s                                                              (RIIHL) picked up a majority stake
          Unilazer Ventures in lingerie etailer    The Mandarin Oriental is one of the prime properties in the Big Apple  in Mumbai-based logistics platform
          Zivame.                                                                                           Grab A Grub.

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