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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah JANUARY 20, 2023 | The Indian Eye 30
3 must-have professionals for
successful business
Chartered Accountants, Business Lawyers and Astro Strategist
very industry / organization
will have to transform itself Business lawyer safeguards your business from the tangible and intangible threat
Ein the next few years. There is
no second choice. There is no other Before hiring any advisors for vising and assisting management trology science
choice. But the question is “HOW”? your business, please make sure they in the various organizational deci- Duties & Responsibilities of
The basic skills required for suc- know where you are, where you want sion-making processes. Astro Strategist
cess in business over the past decade to go or your goal, why you want to 2. Business Lawyers: • Following the KEA rule. K for
or two, has given way to a different achieve your goal or the importance Knowledge, E for Experience and
climate and a different approach to of the goal for you and how you want Business lawyer safeguards your A for Astrology.
competitive advantage. There has to achieve your goals that can give business from the tangible and intan- • Combining Business Astrology
been a demand revolution, with con- clarity on who you are. gible threat. with an expert’s Knowledge of
sumers having many different ways of Know 3 must have The business lawyer has to make Business insights
finding things creating intense com- professionals for successful sure all legal aspects of a corpora- • Combining Business Astrology
petition. business tion’s existence are adequately man- with an expert’s Experience of
Hence, it’s critical for business aged and serviced. business, in that particular field
leaders to know what and who to keep 1. Chartered Accountants: Duties & Responsibilities of • Bringing 96 percent more produc-
and what questions to ask themselves! Certified Public Accountants Business Lawyer tivity and strategic solutions to the
“Act” and “React” both are very or Good Chartered accountants of- • Reviewing and evaluating con- table
important ingredients for any busi- fer financial advice, audit accounts tracts and legal documents. • Reducing the GAP between where
ness. and provide trustworthy information • Providing advisory backing to the you are and where you want to go
Business strategy is the combina- about financial records in favor for business’s executive leadership, and • Ascertaining why you want to
tion of When, where, what and how to your business. rendering their thoughts and inter- achieve
act and react pretations of pertinent court rulings • Assessing how you want to achieve
There are mainly 12 Zodiac Duties & Responsibilities of • Guiding corporate governance, en- • Enhancing chances of achieving
Signs, 12 houses in Horoscope, 12 Chartered Accountants suring regulatory compliance, and your goal
months, 7 days, 7 Main planets and • Financial regulations on all com- managing due diligence. Final Thoughts
2 Shadow planets (Rahu and Ketu). pany and organizational activities • Protecting the business against le-
All planets are good, all planets show like local, state, and federal ac- gal risks and violations Achieving a successful business
some movement everyday. • Creating periodic reports like prof- • Examining the legal issues related transformation is not that easy. But
to new services or products
The Point is how to utilize and to it & loss statements, balance sheets be that resilient businessman who re-
make & execute strategies with plan- etc. 3. Astro Strategist: fuses to give up, remaining steadfastly
ets’ movement to create opportuni- • Performing audits Astro Strategist acts as coach determined to turn their businesses
ties for business and for making the • Staying updated with the current every time, at every stage, with every around. All the best!
future better. law and regulations related to ac- person in every decision-making pro-
Every business is a dream real- counting and finance cess to take you and your business to The writer is a well-known Astro
ized by an individual or a group of • By maintaining financial issues and a desired future state with the combi- Strategist and Business Astrologer
people. preparing budgets, therefore ad- nation of business principles and As- Email: [email protected]