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TECH EYE JANUARY 17, 2025 | The Indian Eye 39
Apple Fitness Plus partners with Strava for enhanced integration
OUR BUREAU said Jay Blahnik, Apple’s Vice President of Fitness
Technologies, in a statement obtained by The Verge.
Washington, DC
A major benefit of this integration for Strava
pple Fitness Plus and Strava have unveiled a users is the offer of a three-month free trial to Apple
new integration aimed at providing a more Fitness Plus, available to all new and existing Strava
Acomprehensive fitness experience for users subscribers in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia.
of both platforms. Importantly, this free trial is accessible even to
From January 3, Apple Fitness Plus workouts will those who do not own an Apple Watch, though an iP-
be more seamlessly integrated into the Strava app, of- hone, iPad, or Apple TV is required to access the service.
fering richer workout summaries, personalized con- This partnership goes beyond just the technical
tent, and unique guest appearances by popular ath- integration, as Strava athletes will also appear in ex-
letes from the Strava community, as per The Verge. clusive Fitness Plus workouts.
The integration includes detailed information The move represents a significant shift for Ap-
about Fitness Plus workouts, such as episode num- The move represents a significant shift for Apple, which has ple, which has traditionally offered Fitness Plus tri-
bers, music genres, trainer names, and various met- als only with the purchase of Apple products.
rics and achievements. traditionally offered Fitness Plus trials only with the purchase As per The Verge, Blahnik explained, “Over
For users, this update makes Fitness Plus a of Apple products (Agency photo) the past 10 years, we’ve hugely admired what Stra-
more consistent experience within the Strava eco- va has done to impact the fitness space, especially
system, aligning it with other fitness services like Previously, Apple Watch users who synced their around community.”
Peloton and Ladder. workouts with Strava could only see limited infor- Zipporah Allen, Strava’s Chief Business Offi-
One of the key features of this integration is the mation--mainly basic details like the type of activity, cer, added that this integration will appeal to ath-
ability to see thumbnails of Fitness Plus workouts calories burned, and heart rate--without any specif- letes who are looking to diversify their fitness regi-
directly in the Strava app. ics on the workout or instructor. mens, “Maybe they’re taking up running for the first
As per The Verge, users will be able to access “This collaboration helps to bring Fitness Plus time, and they want to make sure that they don’t
essential details, such as the workout’s episode num- more in line with other Strava integrations and offer get injured, and they need to do the yoga and the
ber, trainer, and music genre, along with important a deeper, more cohesive experience for athletes who strength,” as per The Verge.
fitness metrics like heart rate and calories burned. want to track every aspect of their fitness journey,” (With agency reports)