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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 15, 2021 | The Indian Eye 35
federation of indian industry forms
us chapter, names committee members
Deepak Jain Dr. Arvind Phukan rachna Nath
Sunil Hali Rajan Gangahar
Our Bureau Chapter. Ms Nath, who will con- strong corridor with North East and industries.
New York duct and carry forward FII activ- and various chapters of FII in An endeavor of industrialist
ities in the United States, provid- India and across the world, syn- and philanthropist Deepak Jain,
he US Chapter of the Fed- ed an introduction to FII to the chronized with which the newly FII was created with an objec-
eration of Indian Industry members, and shared her vision elected cadres of the US Chap- tive to provide a structured and
T(FII) was formally consti- to build the US Chapter as a back- ter would work. Members were comprehensive advice and infor-
tuted on Tuesday, January 12. In bone in US-India relationship. explained about their role in the mation to Indian entrepreneurs,
a virtual meeting, the members She introduced the following new FII chapter. foreign investors and govern-
reaffirmed their commitment to members: Dr Arvind Phukan The main functions of FII’s ments on business environment,
promoting a strengthened rela- and Sameer Jain as Vice Presi- US Chapter will be to build re- prevalent laws, operational in-
tionship between Indian and US dents; Babu Raman K as Joint lationships with leading US and tricacies, and implementable
industries. Secretary; Nupur Jain as Trea- international institutions, includ- solutions. FII offers a platform
FII’s Director-General surer; Sunil Hali as Advisor and ing the United Nations, Cham- for networking and relationship
Deepak Jain, who chaired the an oversight for Communication; bers of Commerce, and help US building within and across the
session, said the relations of Rajan Gangahar as an Advisor and Indian industries connect industrial sectors, policy makers,
both countries can be strength- and an oversight for logistics; and associate. Ms Nath pro- and the international business
ened for the development of Mark Bardoloi, Radhika Siva, posed a vote of thanks. FII Vice fraternity.
the industry. He urged the new Ramya Ranganathan and Ak- President Dr Shailendra Vyas FII is an active and estab-
committee to set its plans for the shay Jain as Executive Members. conducted the meeting. lished associate of a number of
United States on those lines. Hitender Mehta, Chairman FII, which is a Gurugram, In- consultative boards and com-
Mr Jain nominated Rachna of the International Affairs of dia-headquartered not-for-prof- mittees groups designed by the
Nath, Coordinator of the US the FII, briefed members on it organization, is an advisory Government of India and Indian
Chapter, as Secretary of the US the upcoming plans to build a interface between governments state governments.
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