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BIG STORY                                                            JANUARY 14, 2022  |     The Indian Eye                     6

         An array of hospital beds prepared for the set up of a COVID isolation center in New Delhi on   People stand in a queue to board a bus as the buses are permitted to run at 50% seating
                            Thursday (ANI Photo/ Prateek Kumar)                                capacity in New Delhi on Tuesday (ANI)

        patients has increased in LNJP over                                                                   public gathering is to be completely
        the last 4-5 days added Dr Suresh                                                                     discouraged. So, all these things have
        Kumar amid the rising COVID-19                                                                        to be continued,” said Dr Chandra.
        cases in Delhi. Delhi on Wednes-                                                                          He further said the Omicron vi-
        day reported 10,665 new COVID-19                                                                      rus is highly infectious and it is going
        cases. “Most of the cases that we are                                                                 to increase the herd immunity.
        witnessing now is from Omicron, few                                                                       “There are certain several silver
        from Delta.”                                                                                          lining to it, and we should go forward
            Delhi recorded more than an                                                                       with a sense of caution. And our strat-
        11.88 per cent positivity rate on                                                                     egy should be that we prepare for the
        Wednesday.  “This  means  that  the                                                                   worst and hope for the best. A large
        number of infected patients is increas-                                                               number of people are asymptomatic,
        ing rapidly. The major contributor to                                                                 which  is good in a  way  because  it’s
        this is Omicron. But most of the pa-                                                                  likely to increase the herd immunity,
        tients are stable”, added the doctor.                                                                 so more people, you know, get infect-
            According to him, not a single                                                                    ed and they’re completely asymptom-
        Omicron patient is on oxygen. “All the                                                                atic. Obviously, it’s going to form that
        patients that we have treated, none                                                                   immunological barrier to prevent the
        of them needed oxygen”, Dr Kumar           Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath addressing a public rally,    further stretch and again, lastly, but
        added.                                              at Deoband, in Saharanpur on Tuesday (ANI)        not the least, because it’s highly infec-
            “Hospital   admission    for                                                                      tious,” he said.
        COVID-19 cases is increasing since   at district  and  sub-district  levels to   patients under home isolation in their   Dr Chandra showed concern
        the last four-five days. Compared to   ensure ease of access to services for   jurisdiction and submit the same to   over hospitalization and emphasized
        the last two weeks, we can say that   COVID management. Depending on   the district administration,” it added.   taking precautions. He further said
        earlier four-five patients used to come   the caseload, the control rooms shall   In another serious warning, Dr   that most resident doctors in his team
        every day, now 15 to 18 patients are   remain functional round the clock to   PS Chandra, Professor, Neurosur-  are sick and if healthcare workers get
        coming every day”, Dr Kumar added.  provide validated guidance/ support   gery, AIIMS in Delhi said that the   sick in a large number, then that can
            Meanwhile,  with  the  increasing   to the patients.            COVID-19 cases which are rising   lead to trouble for the whole system.
        COVID-19 cases, the COVID Care        The Centre also said that control   exponentially now in the country will   “We have to protect our health-
        Centres of Delhi are also being made   rooms should also monitor the avail-  start  declining  in  a  few  weeks,  but   care workers. They have to take full
        operational one by one. Most of these   ability of different types of beds across   caution is important and we should   precautions because they are the
        centres are attached to LNJP.     the assigned health facilities and shall   prepare for the worst while hoping for   soldiers on the frontline. So, if they
            Meanwhile, the Union Health   counsel the patients/ attendants to   the best.                     are going to fall down who’s going to
        Ministry  on  Wednesday  confirmed   avail only the required services based   “There are reasons to believe   take care of all the patients. So, for
        the  first  death  due  to  the  Omicron   on clinical symptoms and availabil-  that this will be over within weeks, As,   instance, in my unit you know, almost
        variant of the COVID-19 in India.   ity of beds. A clear and transpar-  it has happened in Africa and South   50 per cent of the residents are sick.
        While addressing a press briefing, the   ent mechanism for the allotment of   Africa hardly has any cases as of now   They’re all having mild symptoms,
        Joint Secretary of Union Health Min-  beds must be ensured by the Control   numbers are reducing. So, these are   they’re doing well. But the fact is,
        istry  Lav Agarwal said,  “Technically   Rooms.                     the silver lining but again, we have to   they have not been able to report for
        it is Omicron related death in Rajas-  Centre said, “Control Rooms   be cautious for a couple of reasons.   work. So that’s very, very crucial that
        than. He was an elderly person. The   shall also be responsible to make   First, it is very, very infectious. So ob-  the healthcare workers must be pro-
        person is reported to have co-morbid-  outbound calls to the patients under   viously you know we should not let   tected, not just for their own sake, but
        ities, like diabetes among others.”  home isolation for regular monitoring   our guard down. So, continue mask-  also for the sake of taking care of peo-
            Amid a rise in COVID-19 cas-  of their status.”                 ing, continue social distancing, then   ple who are sick with COVID-19,”
        es across the country, the Centre on   “One of the core responsibilities   continue working from home. Avoid   said Dr Chandra.
        Thursday asked States and Union   of the Control Rooms shall also be   any kind of unnecessary travel, avoid   It is a warning India can’t take
        Territories to set up control rooms   to collate the daily status report of all   any kind of unnecessary gathering,   lightly.

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