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BUSINESS EYE                                                         JANUARY 13, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 32

                          Indian economy to grow

              at 7% in 2022-23 as per first

                          projections for the year

         India’s average Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will touch $20 trillion in the next 25 years, according to Bibek

                            Debroy, chairman, Economic Advisory Council to Prime Minister (EAC-PM)

        OUR BUREAU

        New Delhi/Hyderabad
              he  first  advance  estimate  of
              gross domestic product (GDP)
        Treleased on Friday shows that
        the  Indian  economy  is  projected  to
        grow at 7% in the financial year 2022-
        23  (FY23).  Releasing  the  first  ad-
        vance estimates of National Income
        for  2022-23,  the  National  Statistical
        Office (NSO) stated, “Real GDP or
        GDP  at  Constant  (2011-12)  Prices
        in  the  year  2022-23  is  estimated  at
        Rs 157.60 lakh crore, as against the
        Provisional Estimate of GDP for the
        year 2021-22 of Rs 147.36 lakh crore,
        released on 31st May, 2022.”
            The estimate is lower than FY22
        GDP  growth  of  8.7%.  This  can  be
        mainly  attributed  to  poor  perfor-
        mance of the manufacturing sector,
        the NSO said. Interestingly, the pre-
        liminary  projection  is  much  lower
        than the government’s earlier forecast
        of 8%-8.5%, but above the Reserve
        Bank of India’s projection of 6.8%.
            The advanced GDP estimates                       Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister (EAC-PM) Chairman Bibek Debroy (ANI)
        are  an  important  figure  for  the  gov-
        ernment  as  they  use  it  as  a  base  to   services segment is projected to grow   Hyderabad,  he  said  “In  2047,  In-  sources of growth, consumption, pri-
        work  out  its  economic  growth  and   at 6.4 per cent in the current fiscal, up   dia  may  have  a  per  capita  income   vate  investment,  government  expen-
        fiscal projections for the next budget   from 4.2% in 202-22. However, con-  of $10,000 at current value of dollar.  diture and net exports, he said: “The
        due  on  February  1.  As  per  the  first   struction sector growth is expected to   The average size of the GDP will be   global market is not going to be rosy.”
        advance estimates of national income,  decelerate to 9.1% from 11.5% a year   approaching close to $20 trillion too.   Referring to Goldman Sachs
        manufacturing sector output is esti-  ago.                          India, therefore, will be a transformed   report  which  has  forecast  the  rate
        mated to decelerate to 1.6% in the    Similarly,  public  administration,   society.”                 of growth for India at 5.5%, he said,
        current fiscal from 9.9% in 2021-22.  defense and other services growth is   Debroy  said  that  economic  indi- “Today, when India does 5.5%, there
            Similarly, mining sector growth is   estimated to drop to 7.9% this fiscal   cators after Covid-19 have improved   is  despair  all  around.  Just  to  illus-
        estimated at 2.4% in the current fis-  from 12.6% in FY22.          in India and everyone is now looking   trate  how  aspirations  have  changed.
        cal as against 11.5% in 2021-22. The   India’s average Gross Domestic   to see rate of growth next year. “The   However,  with  5.5%  growth,  there
        agriculture sector is projected to see a   Product  (GDP)  will  touch  $20  tril-  pandemic may have passed, but still   has  been  an  exponential  rise  in  the
        growth of 3.5% in FY2022-23, higher   lion in the next 25 years, according to   there is a lot of uncertainty around the   per capita income.” He said to raise
        than  the  3%  expansion  recorded  in   Bibek  Debroy,  chairman,  Economic   world.  There  is  uncertainty  around   the growth trajectory, India needs to
        the previous financial year.      Advisory  Council  to  Prime  Minister   what is happening in China, the Rus-  make land market more efficient.
            Trade, hotel, transport, com-  (EAC-PM).                        sia-Ukraine conflict, growth prospects   “Similarly,  we  need  to  make  the
        munication and services related to    Speaking virtually at the inau-  in Europe and the US. Since India is   labor  markets  and  capital  markets
        broadcasting segment is estimated to   gural session of the 57th annual con-  not insulated, we will also face volatil-  also  more  efficient,”  Debroy  said,
        grow at 13.7% from 11.1% in 2021-22.  ference of The Indian Econometric   ity,” he added.             adding that there is a need for a sim-
        Financial, real estate and professional   Society  (TIES)  at  the  University  of   Pointing out that there are four   plified system of GST and direct tax.

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