Page 44 - The Indian EYE 011224
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SPORTS                                                              JANUARY 12, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 44

        the game plan that they had for the
        game. “We knew it was not gonna be
        a high-scoring game. So, all we want-
        ed to do was stay disciplined in how
        we bowl, not get ahead of ourselves
        and try and do too many things. Once
        we got them all out for 55, we spoke to
        the batters that we needed small con-
        tributions in this game,” Rohit said.
            However, South Africa skipper
        Dean  Elgar labelled the Newlands
        pitch as a “ripper” following India’s
        seven-wicket victory on Thursday in
        the second Test.

        On a surface where the ball
        played all kinds of tricks on the
        batters, India made short work
        of the hosts with the ball on the

        second  day, despite a  heroic
        ton by opener Aiden Markram,
        and chased down a paltry tar-
        get under 11 overs.

            Elgar talked about the surface
        which made it hard for the batters to
        score each run. “It was a bit of a rip-               Mohammed Siraj celebrates after taking down his fifth wicket in the first innings (ANI)
        per. Naked eye, it looked like it’s go-
        ing to be a nice one. It played totally
        different to what everyone thought.   rank turners favouring the hosts. “I   remain neutral.          bounces as much as the surface at
        Unfortunately, we were on the re-  mean, we saw what happened in this   “I think it’s important that we   Cape Town.
        ceiving end, a big learning curve for   match, how the pitch played and stuff   stay neutral everywhere we go. Espe-  “Honestly, I would like to see
        the future. If  you  ask  Rohit, he’d   like that. I honestly don’t mind play-  cially the match referees. You know,   how the pitches are rated. I want to
        have  batted  first  as  well.  They  just   ing on pitches like this. As long as   some of these match referees need   see that. Whatever... that chart, I
        out-skilled us in that first session.”  everyone keeps their mouth shut in   to keep their eye on how they rate   would love to see it, how they rate the
            The  experienced  left-handed   India and don’t talk too much about   pitches. It’s quite important,” Rohit   pitches, because Mumbai, Bangalore,
        batter went on to talk about their   Indian pitches, honestly,” Rohit said   said.                    Cape Town, Centurion, all different
        overall performance which saw them   as quoted from ESPNcricinfo.       “I still can’t believe that the   venues, overhead conditions are dif-
        on the losing side inside two days.   “Because you come here [in Test   World Cup final pitch was rated be-  ferent. The pitches deteriorate quite
        Still, he was upbeat to take a lot of   cricket] to challenge yourself. Yes,   low average. A batsman got a hun-  fast when the sun is beating down
        positives from the game.          it is dangerous. It is challenging. So,   dred there in the final. How can that   that hard on the pitch. And in India
            “A tough one for us. Pretty posi-  and when people come to India, it   be a poor pitch? So, these are the   as well, we know that the conditions
        tive coming into this game. The first   is again pretty challenging as well.   things the ICC, the match referees,   in India will spin without a doubt, but
        innings killed us with the bat. India   Look, when you are here to play Test   they need to look into and start rat-  obviously people don’t like it because
        bowled fantastically and used the   cricket, we talk about Test cricket, the   ing pitches based on what they see,   it spins from day one. But that’s not
        conditions. Still a draw, still a lot of   ultimate prize, Test cricket being the   not based on the countries. I think   the point. If the ball seams from ball
        positives for the young players that   pinnacle  and  stuff  like  that. I  think   that’s  quite  important.  So  I  hope   one, that’s okay, right, for everyone?
        we have within the side. 2-0 would   it’s important that we also stand by it.   they keep their ears open, they keep   That’s not fair. The ball starts spin-
        have been really nice, would have   When you are put up against, a chal-  their eyes open and look into those   ning from ball one, it should be okay,
        tasted a  lot  better today,  still  man-  lenge like that, you come and face it.   aspects of  the  game.  Honestly,  I’m   in my opinion,” Rohit said.
        aged 1-1, proud of the boys. The way   That’s what happens in India, but, in   all for pitches like this. We want to   “Otherwise, you stay neutral,
        the bowlers bowled in this series and   India on day one, if the pitch starts   challenge playing on pitches like this.   and you start rating this kind of pitch-
        the way Aiden batted in the second   turning, people start talking about   We pride ourselves playing on pitch-  es also bad, because if you want the
        innings is something out of the world.  ‘Puff of dust! Puff of dust!’ There’s so   es like this. Uh, but all I wanna say is   ball only to seam and not turn, in my
            Later, Rohit Sharma called out   much crack here on the pitch. People   be neutral,” the India skipper added.  opinion, that is absolutely wrong. So
        the  International  Cricket  Council   are not looking at that,” Rohit added.  In the two-Test series that con-  that’s my judgment, that’s my opin-
        (ICC) as well as the match referees   Rohit also went on to single out   cluded on Thursday, South Africa   ion on it. I’ll stick by it because I’ve
        over the standard of rating pitches   match referees and some of the rat-  did not bowl any spinner at all. India,   seen enough of cricket now and I’ve
        after the second Test between India   ings the Indian pitches received in   however, bowled only 19 overs of   seen enough of how these match ref-
        and South Africa ended inside two   World Cup 2023. The pitch for the   spin in the first Test and not a single   erees and the ICC looks into these
        days on Thursday.                 World  Cup  final  at  the  Narendra   one in the second innings.   ratings. I have no issues in how they
            After winning the shortest Test in   Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad was   Rohit brought up this point   want to rate, but stay neutral to ev-
        history, Rohit opened up on the criti-  rated below average.        asking why a turner raises more   erything that you do,” the India skip-
        cism of some Indian pitches for being   Rohit  demanded  the  standards   eyebrows than one that seams and   per added.

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