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EYE ON INDIA                                                        JANUARY 10, 2025       |  The Indian Eye                    8

                                           LOOKING FORWARD 2025

               Govt plans to revive historic, cultural

                       heritage of Kashmir and Ladakh

            Indian Army emphasizes the importance of honoring and remembering the sacrifices made by
                                 Indian soldiers, particularly along the Line of Control in J&K

        OUR BUREAU
        Srinagar/New Delhi
               nion Home Minister Amit Shah has as-
               serted that Prime Minister Narendra Mo-
        Udi-led government is committed to reviving
        the historic and cultural heritage of Kashmir and
        that we will soon ‘reclaim what has been lost.’ Shah
        made the statement on Thursday after releasing
        the book ‘Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh Through
        the Ages: A Visual Narrative of Continuities and
        Linkages’ here in the national capital.
            Amit Shah firmly stated that Kashmir always
        has been and will continue to remain an inseparable
        part of India. He further stressed that no legal pro-
        vision could ever sever this bond, pointing “there
        were attempts to separate Kashmir from India in
        the past but time itself has nullified those efforts.”
            Shah said that there was a myth that India was
        never united and the idea of independence for this
        country was meaningless -- a misconception that
        many had come to accept as truth. The Minister
        highlighted that while for most countries, geo-pol-
        itics have defined their boundaries, India’s case is   Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Union Minister of Education Dharmendra Pradhan and others during
        unique in the way that this nation has been defined   the launch of the book ‘Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh: Through the Ages’, at Dr. Ambedkar International Centre in New Delhi
        by its geo-cultural expanse, and whose borders are                          on Thursday (ANI Photo/Shrikant Singh)
        made up of cultural unity.
            Home Minister remarked that the relationship
        between Kashmir, Ladakh, Shaivism, and Bud-  itage. Shah highlighted that Kashmir and Ladakh   weather conditions -- from searing heat in the sum-
        dhism has been eloquently captured in this book   have historically served as centers of civilization,   mer in Rajasthan to bone-chilling cold in the win-
        and exhibition. He commended the documenta-  fostering creation, preservation, and cultural pro-  ter in Ladakh, J&K, Himachal, Arunachal Pradesh
        tion of scripts, knowledge systems, spirituality, cul-  motion. Numerous examples of this rich legacy   and Sikkim -- remains steadfast in its duty,” it said.
        ture, and languages, emphasizing the meticulous   are detailed in the book, noting that Kashmir has   “The rugged, treacherous terrain, often cov-
        effort that went into presenting this rich heritage.  always been a land of inclusivity, embracing and   ered in snow or turning into a swamp during the
            Covering Kashmir’s 8,000-year history, Shah   nurturing diverse faiths.                monsoon, presents constant challenges, yet our
        likened this comprehensive effort to encapsulating   Meanwhile, the Indian Army on Tuesday em-  soldiers persevere with unwavering commitment:
        the sacred Ganga within a vessel. He noted that for   phasized the importance of honoring and remem-  Indian Army,” it added.
        150 years, some people’s understanding of history   bering the sacrifices made by Indian soldiers, par-  The Western Command of the Indian Army
        was “confined to narrow geographies--from Dari-  ticularly those posted along the Line of Control   on Wednesday conveyed greetings and best wish-
        ba to Ballimaran or Lutyens to Gymkhana. He   (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir as they continue to   es to all ranks, Veterans, Defense Civil employees
        stressed that history cannot be written from a dis-  uphold their duty with perseverance and unwaver-  and their families for New Year 2025.
        tance but requires engaging directly with the peo-  ing dedication.                           Earlier on December 28, the Chinar Warriors
        ple and understanding their lived experiences.”  In a post on X, the Indian Army said that the   corps of the Indian Army responded to a distress
            Shah emphasized that the time has come to   armed forces remain steadfast and resolute in their   call from civil administration to evacuate tourists
        move beyond history written to appease past rul-  mission to protect the nation’s borders., despite   stranded in Gulmarg district of the territory. The
        ers, and He urged historians to confidently docu-  facing extreme weather conditions. “As we wel-  tourists  and civilians were stranded  due  to un-
        ment India’s history using evidence, facts, and the   come the New Year, it’s important to take a mo-  precedented heavy snowfall in tourist destination
        perspective of its rich, millennia-old culture, and to   ment to reflect on the incredible sacrifices made by   Gulmarg and the subsequent closure of the road
        present it to the world with pride.          our soldiers, especially those guarding the Line of   to Tanmarg. Responding to the call, the Army per-
            He  remarked  that  today,  India  stands  as  an   Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir,” the Army   sonnel evacuated 68 civilians, including 30 men
        independent nation with a government committed   posted on X.                              and women each and eight children and provided
        to upholding the values and ideas rooted in its her-  “The Indian  Army,  despite facing  extreme   meals, shelter and medication to 137 tourists.

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