Page 5 - The Indian EYE 010821
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BIG STORY JANUARY 08, 2021 | The Indian Eye 5
viOlence at capitOl: shOck & shame
pramila Jayapal ro Khanna ami Bera Nikki haley
>> Continued from previous page... some serious action. These ef- countable.” I got frantic texts from people
my mind its quite startling to forts are being led by some Indi- Democratic Congressmem- saying, “Don’t go into the Cap-
release, how must democracy an-American lawmakers. Prami- ber Ro Khanna said Republi- itol. It is being overrun.” At that
depends on the good faith of la Jayapal, the first Washington cans must support efforts to re- point, some of us turned back.
its custodians. How democrat- representative to call for Presi- move Trump, especially as much We were told that the Cannon
ic institutions appear to be very dent Donald Trump’s impeach- of Trump’s incitement targeted Building was clear, but we didn’t
fragile even in societies that are ment, called on Thursday night Republican lawmakers who re- know, but that it was our best
called mature democracies.” for him to be removed from of- fused to back his false claims of course, so I went to my office,
Over the report that the In- fice using the 25th Amendment. election fraud. “This was not an locked the doors of the office
dian flag was waived during the The 25th Amendment allows attack just on Democratic law- and stayed in the office the rest
Capitol Hill violence, Tharoor the vice president, with the sup- makers. If anything, it was an of the day.”
said, “The shocking picture of port of a majority of the Cab- incitement of violence against Khanna has strongly asked
somebody holding the Indian inet, to remove the president Republican lawmakers,” says Republicans to support Trump’s
tricolor among the capital dem- from office. Khanna. impeachment. “If you listen to
onstrators in Washington. ...This “Donald Trump must be re- Speaking to Democracy the president’s incitement of vio-
is unfortunate that people are moved immediately,” Jayapal, Now, Khanna described the lence and Rudy Giuliani’s incite-
willing to wave the flag as an in- D-Seattle, wrote. “I’m calling horror show in his words. “I ment of violence, the target was
strument or as a weapon rather on Vice President Pence and was in my office in the Cannon actually Republican lawmakers.
than a batch of pride.” the Cabinet to put this country Building, and then we heard Donald Trump Jr. is saying, “Go
In a related development, first and uphold their constitu- that there was an evacuation show the Republicans they need
Union Minister Ramdas Atha- tional duty to invoke the 25th because there was apparently a to be on our side, and we’re go-
wale also condemned the vio- Amendment. We must hold the pipe bomb nearby. So, I left my ing to have a trial by combat.”
lence at the US Capitol and said man who incited today’s danger- office, and I started to head to- So, this was not an attack just
he will speak to American Pres- ous assault on America fully ac- wards the Capitol. Fortunately, on Democratic lawmakers. If
ident Donald Trump over the anything, it was an incitement
phone. “It is not only an insult to of violence against Republican
the Republican Party but also to lawmakers,” he said.
America and democracy. That is The calls for action against
why we are expressing our dis- President Donald Trump follow-
pleasure. I will try to speak to ing the violence in Washington,
him (Donald Trump) over the D.C. have been growing louder.
phone,” the Republican Party of Congressman Ami Bera, Rep-
India (A), president said. resentative for California’s 7th
The violence at Capitol Hill District, who was there when
will have major repercussions. the violence erupted at the Cap-
Already, calls are growing for itol, said: “It’s still hard to be-
Trump to resign or be removed lieve a little over 24 hours later,
from office. Trump is losing sup- when you kind of reflect back
port from his inner circle, with over what happened [Wednes-
Education Secretary Betsy De- day], that happened here in the
Vos and Transportation Secre- United States of America, in our
tary Elaine Chao both resigning nation’s Capital, at the symbol
before the end of Trump’s term. pm modi enjoyed a great personal rapport with Donald trump of our democracy, the United
But most lawmakers want Continued on next page... >>
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