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P. 42

WELLNESS                                                                JANUARY 08, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          42

               the need for the promotion of

         trauma-focused therapy in india

                                                                                                                      niques to target traces of trauma
        Jaylina Jhaveri                                                                                               lodged in our brains and bodies
                                                                                                                      and divest them of their emo-
                hild trauma exists all
                around  us, in  house-                                                                                tional charge. This is what leads
        Cholds, in educational                                                                                        to effective healing. Other ther-
        establishments and as bonded                                                                                  apies such as yoga and mindful-
                                                                                                                      ness  have  also  been  examined
        labour. Children account for                                                                                  in a trauma-focused way. They
        15%  of  victims  of  trafficking.                                                                            are used in a targeted fashion
        According to WHO’s estimate                                                                                   in terms of their effect on brain
        1.7 billion children all over the
        world undergo abuse of some                                                                                   and nervous system function.
        kind every year. We do not like                                                                                   India’s population comprises
        to acknowledge the reality of                                                                                 440 million children. They con-
                                                                                                                      stitute  one  fifth  of  the  world’s
        child trauma as it frightens us.                                                                              total child population. Many
        But we cannot wish it away. The                                                                               of them have inadequate pro-
        effects of trauma manifest as                                                                                 tection from ACEs due to tra-
        severe and lifelong mental and
        physical illnesses. It is estimated                                                                           ditional factors such as poverty
        that 13% of the global popula-           This photo has been used only for the purpose of representation. Credit: Pxhere  and illiteracy but also because
                                                                                                                      India is modernizing at break-
        tion is affected by mental illness                                                                            neck speed. Modernization
        today.                               than 130 million children in the  ation in DNA leading to depres-        processes such as urbanization,
                                             world, including toddlers, have  sion  which  can  be transmitted        rising aspirations, the break-up
        we see how trauma af-                been diagnosed with ADHD.  trans-generationally. Such is the             of the joint family and changing
                                             More  than  80%  of  them  are  devastation trauma can cause.
        fects society as a whole.  being  treated  with  quick  fix                  Neuroscience shows that          gender equations put children
                                                                                                                      in middle- and high-income
        child trauma as it exists            drugs such as Ritalin with de- traumatized brains are different          families too  under  enormous
                                             velopmental consequences for  from non-traumatized ones. A               pressure.  But resources to han-
        right now has evolutionary  their brains and bodies. Many  seminal 1997 study in the US                       dle India’s mental health de-
                                             children are being diagnosed  identified a number of traumat-
        implications. how we han-            with paediatric bipolar disorder.  ic stressors labelled as Adverse      mands are lacking. WHO data
        dle it will affect our future  They are treated with potent  Childhood Experiences (ACEs).                    indicates that there are just 0.3
                                                                                                                      psychiatrists and 0.04 psycholo-
        as a species. it is psychia-         medication too.                     These extend from abuse and          gists per 100,000 people in India.
                                                The  contemporary  under- bereavement to exposure to
        try’s greatest challenge.            standing of mental illness func- poverty. If a child is exposed             We therefore urgently need
                                             tions  on  the  basis  of  a  mind- to one or more of them, a bar-       to augment the resources in
                                                                                                                      this critical yet underserved
            Despite more than a cen- body rift. There is a lack of  rage of stress hormones will put
        tury and a half of modern psy- appreciation of trauma as a pri- his brain and body into a state               sector. India has a large ed-
        chiatry, mental illness is poorly  mary contributing factor. Stud- of chaos. The fear centre in               ucated class, a network of
        understood. Mental disorders  ies have found that between  his brain will get stimulated af-                  universities and a pool of
        are primarily understood in  40 to 70 percent of patients re- fecting emotion-regulation and                  pists. They would benefit great-
        terms of their symptoms. They  porting to psychiatric outpatient  cognitive function. This is how             ly  from cutting-edge training
        are treated within a biomedical  clinics have histories of trauma  mental illness will set in. But            in the field of trauma-focused
        framework, through medication.  which are not factored into their  neuroscience has established to
        But psychiatric drugs constitute  treatment. Modern society has  what extent the brain is plastic.            therapy. This would give much
        superficial treatment. They act  a scientific bias and the lack of  If it has been affected by adver-         needed support to the cause of
        as damage control. The patient  knowledge about how trauma  sity it will also respond to heal-                trauma treatment in India.
        gets symptomatic relief but is re- translates biologically into men- ing. But therapy has to adapted               Jaylina Jhaveri writes on
        duced to living in survival mode.  tal illness has been a major im- to this outcome. It needs to be            mental health, women  and
        In addition, these drugs cause  pediment. Neuroscience, how- trauma-focused.                                   child rights and culture.
        harm in the long run. They in- ever, has established a scientific            Trauma-focused therapy is
        terfere with the brain’s natu- correlation between child trau- rooted in the connection be-                        She is setting up a training
        ral functioning. What is really  ma  and mental illness.  For ex- tween the  trauma experience                 program in trauma therapy for
        alarming, however, is the rate  ample, childhood trauma has  and our physiological and emo-                    Indian psychotherapists as well
                                                                                                                       as a trauma survivors’ network.
        of medication of children. More  now been correlated to an alter- tional response to it. It has tech-

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