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EYE on INDIA                                                            JANUARY 01, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          15

                           mIssIng sPorts aCtIon

               he  much-awaited  13th  the  resumption  possible  and
               edition  of  the  Indian  more importantly, the show of
        TPremier  League  (IPL)  spirit gave all other federations
        which  was  slated  to  go  ahead  hope  of  returning  back  to  the
        in March also got delayed and  field.
        no one knew as to whether the
        tournament  would  indeed  see       In the coming months,
        the  light  of  the  day  this  year.
        But it finally did, in UAE.          Premier League, LaLiga,
            With all sporting action sus-    serie  a all resumed with
        pended, the world sat at home
        and there was no news on re- the suspended 2019-20
        sumption of leagues or interna-      season and winners were                A large replica of facemask displayed as an awareness cam-
        tional action as the world lead-
        ers  were  busy  discussing  ways  crowned in their respec-                    paign against the Covid-19, in Chennai on Friday. (ANI)
        to  combat  the  deadly  virus.      tive leagues. Liverpool
        Germany took a bold step and                                                                   bIg heLPIng hands
        the  government  handed  per- won the Premier League
        mission to resume the Bunde-         after a span of 30 years
            However,  more  than  the  and the fans took to the
        game, everyone turned on their       streets to celebrate the
        television sets just to celebrate
        the resumption of sport.             win as they were not able
            It was wonderful to see how      to attend matches.
        players and management made

                         new entertaInment stars

                 espite  the  pandemic,  na  Gupta’  of  ‘Love  Aaj  Kal,’
                 the  Indian  entertain- Arushi  Sharma  shocked  with
        Dment industry was able  her  delicate  portrayal  of  the
        to  launch  a  handful  of  prom- small-town  girl  deeply  in  love             s  the  coronavirus  con- families in Mumbai, and several
        ising  debutants  in  Bollywood.  with Kartik Aaryan’s character                 tinued  its  steady  march,  others.
        Here are some of them:               of Raghu. She had earlier ap-       Aseveral  Bollywood  stars              akshay Kumar:  The  ‘Kesa-
            sanjana  sanghi:  The little  peared  in  Imtiaz  Ali’s  ‘Tama-       stepped up to help out in their  ri’  actor  became  the  first  Bolly-
        ‘Mandy Kaul’ who started her  sha,’  for  a  small  sequence  be-        own  ways.  While  some  celeb- wood star to step up by donating
        career as a child artist in Imtiaz  fore  finally  making  her  debut    rities  used  their  platforms  to  Rs 25 crore to the PM-CARES
        Ali’s ‘Rockstar’ - Sanjana Sang- with  the  director’s  ‘Love  Aaj        spread  awareness  on  Covid-19  fund. He further contributed an-
        hi  -  made  her  debut  with  late  Kal’ in 2020.                       protocols  including  social  dis- other Rs 3 crore to the Brihan-
        actor  Sushant  Singh  Rajput’s         aadil Khan:  Aadil  Khan         tancing,  washing  hands,  and  mumbai Municipal Corporation
        last  film  ‘Dil  Bechara.’  Owing  stepped  into  the  Indian  film     wearing  masks,  others  helped  (BMC) and 1,000 wrist bands to
        to  the  sentiments  of  the  late  industry  with  Vidhu  Vinod         out with financial donations to  the Mumbai police to help them
        actor’s  fans  and  the  spectacu- Chopra’s  ‘Shikara’  which  nar-      organizations and individuals in  in early detection of the virus.
        lar  chemistry  between  Sanghi  rated the tale of the mass exo-         need.                                    salman Khan: The superstar
        and Rajput, the film broke all  dus  of  Kashmiri  Pandits  from             shah rukh Khan: The King  helped to rescue 25,000 daily wa-
        records.                             the  Kashmir  Valley.  Khan         Khan  of  Bollywood  remained  gers of the Federation of Western
            alaya Furniturewalla: The  played  the  central  role  in  the       at the forefront in helping with  India Cine Employees (FWICE)
        star  kid  born  to  actor  Poo- film  and  was  appreciated  for        efforts  to  fight  Covid-19.  In  and  further  extended  financial
        ja  Bedi,  Alaya  Furniturewal- delivering  a  strong  perfor-           April, Shah Rukh Khan and his  support for them. He also made
        la  made  her  Bollywood  debut  mance in his very first movie.          wife  Gauri  Khan  offered  their  donations to the members of All
        alongside  superstar  Saif  Ali         sadia Khateeb: Sadia made        four-storey office space located  India Special Artists Association
        Khan  in  ‘Jawaani  Jaaneman.’  her debut alongside Aadil Khan           in Khar West suburb of Mumbai  (AISAA) and the spot boys whose
        Although the Nitin Kakkar di- in Chopra’s ‘Shikara.’ Born and            to help expand quarantine facil- payments  were  stuck.  Salman
        rectorial failed to perform well  raised in Jammu and Kashmir’s          ities for those infected with the  urged  people  to  follow  the  gov-
        at  the  box-office,  Alaya  was  Bhaderwah,  Khateeb  went  on          virus.  His  other  efforts  includ- ernment guidelines for the lock-
        loved and admired by both crit- to play the central role of the          ed donating 50,000 PPE kits to  down and asked them to take care
        ics as well as fans.                 Kashmiri Hindu woman in the         frontline workers, providing dai- of themselves and their families.
            arushi  sharma:  The  ‘Lee- film.                                    ly food provisions for over 5,500        (with ANI reports)

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