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ImmIGRATION                                                             JANUARY 01, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          46

            Justice department’s discrimination complaint against

         Facebook chills employer’s ability to legitimately sponsor

                  skilled Foreign national Workers for a green card

        cyrus mehta                  under INA 274B(a)(1).  Face-  Matter of Am. Specialty Phar-  employers and job seekers do  more  rational  and  comport
                                     book was not accused of vio-  macy,  2016-PER-00016,  2019  not rely on the print classified  with real world practices.  In a
              he  Department  of  Jus-  lating  the  DOL  rules.  Under  WL 2910815 (BALCA 2019).  sections  any  longer.  Indeed,  2008 article Walking The High
              tice’s  complaint  claim-  the DOL rules, if the employ-  The IER accuses Facebook of  most of the advertisements in  Wire  Without  A  Net  –  The
        Ting        that   Facebook   er finds a qualified  US worker  implementing  a  recruitment  the  classified  Sunday  edition  Lawyer’s  Role  In  The  Labor
        discriminated   against   US   after testing the labor market,  process intentionally designed  of the NY Times have the look  Certification Process, Bender’s
        workers even when it followed   the employer cannot go ahead  to  deter  US  workers  from  and  feel  of  labor  certification  Immigration  Bulletin,  Febru-
        DOL regulations for sponsor-  with the labor certification and  applying,  thus  discriminating  advertisements.  Although  the  ary 1, 2009,  Gary Endelman
        ing foreign national workers is   is not required to hire the US  against  US  workers  because  IER  accuses  Facebook  of  re-  and I noted how far removed
        troubling. It renders every em-  worker and terminate the for-  of  their  citizenship  status  in  quiring  applicants  to  respond  the labor certification process
        ployer  vulnerable  to  charges   eign worker who already holds  violation  of  INA  274B(a)(1)  by postal mail rather than on-  truly  is  from  an  employer’s
        of  discrimination  each  time   the job often on an H-1B visa.  (A). The complaint states that  line, when its non-labor certi-  real  world  recruitment  prac-

        it files a labor certification on   The  IER  has  accused  Face-  Facebook  uses  recruitment  fication  advertisements  allow  tices.  Although the labor cer-
        behalf  of  a  foreign  national   book of discrimination for not  methods for PERM labor cer-  for online responses from ap-  tification  process  requires  an
        worker.                      hiring US workers for adver-  tifications  that  were  different  plicants, that in itself is not a vi-  employer to conduct a “good
            When an employer wishes   tisements that were related to  than  those  it  employs  for  its  olation of the DOL rules, and  faith”  test  of  the  US  labor
        to sponsor a foreign national   a labor certification filed on be-  regular positions. For example,  DOL  has  already  conceded  market to determine whether
        for a green card, it is required   half of a foreign national work-  Facebook requires resumes to  that the employer’s labor cer-  US  workers  are  qualified  or
        to  test  the  domestic  labor   er. The labor certification pro-  be sent by postal mail for ad-  tification recruitment deviates  available for the position held
        market  for  qualified  workers   cess requires the employer to  vertisements  related  to  labor  from  normal  labor  practices.  by  the  foreign  national,  the
        before a PERM labor certifi-  test the US labor market with  certifications  but  for  open  While  in  hindsight,  Facebook  very  notion  of  “good  faith”
        cation is approved. Labor cer-  respect to an application filed  market positions they will ac-  should have done more to rec-  seems oddly out of place when
        tification is the first step in the   on  behalf  of  a  foreign  work-  cept resumes by e mail. Face-  oncile its labor certification ad-  used  with  reference  to  a  re-
        employment sponsored green   er, and contrary to the allega-  book also does not post adver-  vertisements with its real world  cruitment effort that achieves
        card process.  It is rather odd   tions  in  the  IER  complaint,  tisements on their website for  advertisements, the labor cer-  its desired objective by failing
        that when Facebook followed   is  not  set  up  as  a  program  labor  certification  positions  tification  process  requires  the  to locate any qualified job ap-
        the  DOL  rules  regarding  re-  for  recruiting  US  workers.  but  for  their  other  positions  employer only to test the labor  plicants. Only in the labor cer-
        cruitment  for  a  labor  certifi-  The  IER  complaint  says  they do post on their website.  market and not to use it to hire  tification world do you win by
        cation, another agency of the   at paragraph 24 that “in con-  However,  Matter  of  Am.  US workers. The DOL impos-  losing.  Unable  to  utilize  real
        federal  government,  the  Im-  ducting  recruitment,  employ-  Specialty  Pharmacy,  supra,  es  other  requirements  on  an  world  recruitment  standards,
        migrant and Employee Rights   ers must also engage in a good  which  IER  cites  in  its  com-  employer during labor certifi-  compelled to base evaluations
        (IER) Section of the Depart-  faith search that closely resem-  plaint,  just says that: “We have  cation  recruitment,  which  are  upon  the  entirely  artificial
        ment of Justice (DOJ) accuses   bles  the  employer’s  normal  interpreted  this  regulation  as  unimaginable in real world re-  concept  of  “minimal  qualifi-
        it  of  discriminatory  practices   recruiting  process.”    It  cites  placing a burden on the Em-  cruitment. If a US worker ap-  cations”  that  does  not  exist
                                                                   ployer to conduct a good faith  plicant does not respond to the  outside  the  cordon  sanitaire
                                                                   recruitment  effort.”    It  cites  employer’s invitation to an in-  of 20 CFR §656, wedded to an
                                                                   East  Tennessee  State  Univer-  terview, the employer must go  inflexible  job  description  that
                                                                   sity, 2010-PER-00038, slip op.  the extra mile to demonstrate  can never change regardless of
                                                                   at 11 (Apr. 18, 2011) (en banc),  that it did indeed contact the  an employer’s business needs
                                                                   which does go into some more  applicant  who  never  showed  or a worker’s evolving talents,
                                                                   detail, but not in the direction  up by sending up a follow up e  and effectively prohibited from
                                                                   that  IER  suggests.  BALCA  mail or letter to the uninterest-  taking  into  consideration  the
                                                                   stated in East Tennessee State  ed candidate, and must prove  very subjective character traits
                                                                   University  that  “employers  that  this  candidate  actually  whose  presence  or  absence

                                                                   seeking  permanent  labor  cer-  received  the  communication!  is  the  most  reliable  predictor
                                                                   tification may have to conduct  Even  when  the  US  worker  of  effective  job  performance,
                                                                   their recruitment in a manner  applicant was interviewed and  the labor certification process
                                                                   different than they would nor-  rejected,  the  employer  must  is fundamentally at odds with
                                                                   mally  in  order  to  ensure  that  prove that it actually made con-  the very economic system it al-
                                                                   the position is clearly open to  tact with the applicant.  Thus,  legedly seeks to serve.
                                                                   all qualified U.S. workers.” In  even if an employer mirrors its   It  is  reiterated  that  an
                                                                   a  2008  Guidance  Memo,  the  real world recruitment with its  employer  is  under  no  legal
                                                                   DOL also confirmed that “giv-  labor certification recruitment,  obligation  to  hire  a  qualified

                                                                   en  that  the  permanent  labor  and even goes beyond, it will  applicant  at  the  end  of  the
                                                                   certification program imposes  still be vulnerable to a citizen-  process. If the employer finds
                                                                   recruitment  standards  on  the  ship  discrimination  claim  by  a U.S. worker who is qualified
                      m of                                         employer  that  may  deviate  the IER because labor certifi-  for the position, the labor cer-
                                                                   from  the  employer’s  normal  cation  recruitment  inherently  tification dies. In other words,
           CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          standards  of  evaluation,  the  requires a good faith test of the  the  employer  cannot  file  the

                                                                                              Department  understands  and  labor market, and not to hire  labor  certification  on  behalf
             appreciates the legitimate role  US workers,  before the labor  of the foreign national worker.
                                                                   attorneys  and  agents  play  in  certification  can  be  filed  and  This makes sense as it would
                                                    
             ­       the permanent labor certifica-  certified by the DOL.  be rather cruel to fire the for-
              ‚                                                     tion process.”  Rather  than  penalize  an  eign  worker  on  a  temporary
                                                                      DOL  also  insists  on  re-  employer  for  following  the  work visa like the H-1B, which
                                                                   cruitment  practices  that  have  rules set forth in 20 CFR 656,  can  extend  for  many  years,
                                                                   no  bearing  on  real  world  re-  Congress,  the administration,  and replace them with the US
                                                                   cruitment such as placing print  or both, could change the rules  worker.  Even if the employer
          2              6th Floor
                 advertisements in two Sunday  governing  the  labor  certifi-  hires  this  minimally  qualified
                                                                   newspapers  even  when  most  cation process to make them  US worker, and files the labor
                                                               www.TheIndianEYE .us
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